ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is used by PCs to represent character data. Each character is represented by a code of eight bits or one byte.

Character ASCII code   Character ASCII code   Character ASCII code
Space Bar 0010 0000   ! 0010 0001   " 0010 0010
# 0010 0011   $ 0010 0100   % 0010 0101
& 0010 0110   ' 0010 0111   ( 0010 1000
) 0010 1001   * 0010 1010   + 0010 1011
, 0010 1100   - 0010 1101   . 0010 1110
/ 0010 1111   0 0011 0000   1 0011 0001
2 0011 0010   3 0011 0011   4 0011 0100
5 0011 0101   6 0011 0110   7 0011 0111
8 0011 1000   9 0011 1001   : 0011 1010
; 0011 1011   < 0011 1100   = 0011 1101
> 0011 1110   ? 0011 1111   @ 0100 0000
A 0100 0001   B 0100 0010   C 0100 0011
D 0100 0100   E 0100 0101   F 0100 0110
G 0100 0111   H 0100 1000   I 0100 1001
J 0100 1010   K 0100 1011   L 0100 1100
M 0100 1101   N 0100 1110   O 0100 1111
P 0101 0000   Q 0101 0001   R 0101 0010
S 0101 0011   T 0101 0100   U 0101 0101
V 0101 0110   W 0101 0111   X 0101 1000
Y 0101 1001   Z 0101 1010   [ 0101 1011
\ 0101 1100   ] 0101 1101   ^ 0101 1110
_ 0101 1111   ` 0110 0000   a 0110 0001
b 0110 0010   c 0110 0011   d 0110 0100
e 0110 0101   f 0110 0110   g 0110 0111
h 0110 1000   i 0110 1001   j 0110 1010
k 0110 1011   l 0110 1100   m 0110 1101
n 0110 1110   o 0110 1111   p 0111 0000
q 0111 0001   r 0111 0010   s 0111 0011
t 0111 0100   u 0111 0101   v 0111 0110
w 0111 0111   x 0111 1000   y 0111 1001
z 0111 1010   { 0111 1011   | 0111 1100
} 0111 1101   ~ 0111 1110   DEL KEY 0111 1111

These are the ASCII codes for the characters on the keyboard. There are other codes to represent special characters which do not have a printable representation.

When we press a key, the keyboard sends the ASCII code for that key to the PC. Characters stored in computer memory are stored in ASCII. Thus each character uses one byte of memory.

  1. Suppose the memory contains the following ASCII code. Use the ASCII chart to figure out the characters represented by this ASCII code.
  2. What is the ASCII code for the characters below?
         Hi Mom!
  3. What characters are represented by the following ASCII code?
  4. Write a message in ASCII code. Your message must contain at least two words and punctuation. Please make sure your message is appropriate for a classroom environment.

  5. Exchange messages with your partner and decode your partner's message.

  6. Check with your partner to validate the decoded message.

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