CSC106 Intermediate PC Applications and Programming
Campus Cruiser

To Log into Campus Cruiser

Your Login is on your registration. The login is made up of your first name, perhaps your middle initial, your last initial, and the last four digits of your student id. These are typed all together with no blanks, for example, naomis8879.

Your initial password is the last six digits of your Social Security Number. The first time you log in, you will be prompted to CHANGE your password. You must REMEMBER the password you chose and use it every time afterwards. If you FORGET your password, you must go in person to the registrar to reset it.

To Forward CampusCruiser Email to Another Email Account

It is very important to check your CC email. If you don't want to check it separately, you can have the CC email forwarded to your regular email acount:

  1. Login
  2. Click on personal tools (under MyCruiser tab)
  3. Click on email (first tool in table)
  4. In menu on left, click on filters
  5. Click on tab for forwarding filter
  6. Fill in your alternate email account in the box
  7. Click on forwarding enabled
  8. Click on save copy in inbox if you want to keep a copy of the email in your CC mail

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© Copyright Emmi Schatz 2007