Visual Basic Terms

Design Time
when an application is being developed in the Visual Basic environment
Run Time
when an application is running -- at run time, the programmer interacts with the application as the user would
customizable window that serves as the interface for an application (gets user input and displays results)
graphic representation of an object, such as a button, list box, or check box, that the user manipulates to provide input to the program
general term used to describe a form or control in a program
a characteristic of an object such as size, caption, or color
action that an object can perform or that can be performed on a object
action recognized by a form or control -- most events occur when the user manipulates the controls of a program (such as clicking on a button or entering text in a text box)
in an event-driven program, the code executes in response to events generated by the user, operating system, or application. This differs from procedural programming, where the program starts at the first line of code and follows a defined pathway, calling procedures as needed.

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