Sample Program: Nested Loops

//  This program prints lines of stars. For each line of stars it reads two
//  numbers from a file. The first number tells how many stars to print on
//  the next line. The second number tells how many blanks to print before
//  printing the stars.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <fstream.h>

int main()
   int starCount;
   int spaceCount;
   int counter;
   ifstream starFile;

//  open the file with the star count for each line"starspc.dat");

//  each iteration of the outer loop prints a line of stars
   starFile >> starCount >> spaceCount;
   while (starFile)

//  each iteration of this loop prints one blank
      counter = 1;
      while (counter <= spaceCount)
         cout << ' ';

//  each iteration of this loop prints one star
      counter = 1;
      while (counter <= starCount)
         cout << '*';

//  end the line of stars and get the count for the next line
      cout << endl;
      starFile >> starCount >> spaceCount;

   return 0;

File starspc.dat

5 5
11 2
15 0
11 2
5 5



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