Homework 12: Due Thursday, October 26th

Complete the following problems:

1. Write a complete C++ program that reads integers from an input file
   called "numbers.dat".  The program should count the number of times
   zero appeared in the file and print the count on the screen. You can
   assume that there are 25 numbers in the input file.

2. Write a complete C++ program that reads integers from an input file
   called "numbers.dat".  The program should count the number of times
   zero appeared in the file and print the count on the screen. The last
   number in the file will be a sentinel value of -999 to signal that
   there is no more data.

3. Write a complete C++ program that reads integers from an input file
   called "numbers.dat".  The program should count the number of times
   zero appeared in the file and print the count on the screen.  You do
   not know how many numbers are in the file and there is no sentinel value
   at the end of the input.

4. Rewrite the program for Question #3 so that the output is sent to
   an output file called "out.dat".

5. Write a complete C++ program that will calculate the charge for electricity
   for customers.  The program should read the following information
   from an input file named "chargin.dat":
       customer account number (integer)
       kilowatt hours used (float)
       status (char)
   Electric charges are 59 cents per kilowatt hour for commercial customers
   and 47 cents per kilowatt hours for residential customers.  The status will
   be "r" for residential customers and "c" for commercial customers.  You
   do not know how many lines of data are in the input file.  The program
   should place the following information for each customer in an output
   file named "chargout.dat":
       customer account number
       cost of electricity (float)
   The output file will be used as input to another program.

   143 47.3 r
   782 245.7 c

   143 22.231
   782 144.963

6. Write a complete C++ program that will read the output file produced from
   Homework Question #5 above and print a bill (to the screen) for each
   customer. Sample output:

     Electric Charges

     Customer:   143
     Amount Due: $22.23

     Customer:   782
     Amount Due: $144.96

Remember to type your answers and to make two copies of each homework assignment. One copy is submitted to me and the other you keep to use in the group discussions.

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