Homework 15: Due Tuesday, November 14th

Read Chapter 6, section 6.4, pages 334 through 337. You are not responsible for the subsection called "Global Variable Storage Classes."

Complete the following problems:

If there are no errors in the program, show what will be printed by
each of the following programs. If there are any errors in the program
explain what is wrong.

1.  #include <iostream.h>         2.   #include <iostream.h>
    void two(int&,int&,int&);          void two(int&,int&,int&);
    int main()                         int main()
    {                                  {
       int x,y,z;                         int a,b,c;
       two(x,y,z);                        cin >> a >> b >> c;
       cout << x << "  "<< y              two(a,b,c);
            << "  "<< z;                  cout << c << "  " << b
    }                                          << "  " << a;
    void two(int& a, int& z, int&b)    }
    {                                  void two(int& x,int& c,int& y)
       cin >> b >> z >> a;             {
       a = a * b + z;                     int a;
    }                                     cin >> a >> y;
                                          c = x + c + 20;
   DATA:    2    1    5                }
                                       DATA:    1    2    3    4    5

3.  #include <iostream.h>          4.   #include <iostream.h>
    void four(int&, int);               void four(int&, int&);
    int main()                          int num;
    {                                   int main()
       int a, b, c;                     {
       a = 1;                              int x;
       b = 2;                              int y;
       c = four(a, b);                     x = 10;
       cout << a << "  " << b              y = 20;
            << "  " << c;                  num = 30;
    }                                      cout << x << "  " << y
    void four(int&a, int b);                    << "  " << num;
    {                                      four(x,y);
       cout << a << "  " << b << endl;     cout << x << "  " << y
    }                                           << "  " << num;
                                        void four(int& y, int& x)
                                           int num;
                                           num = 20;
                                           y = 3;
                                           x = 6;

5.  #include <iostream.h>
    int main()
       int i;
       i = 10;
          int i;
          i = 20;
          cout << i << endl;
             int i;
             i = 30;
             cout << i << endl;
          cout << i << endl;
       cout << i << endl;

6.  #include <iostream.h>
    void func1();
    int a = 3;
    int main()
       int b = 7, a = 8;
       cout << a << ' ' << b << endl;
    int c = 2;
    void func1()
       int d = 12;
       cout << c << ' ' << a << ' ' << b << ' ' << d;

7.  #include <iostream.h>
    void func1(int);
    void func2();
    void func3();
    int i = 5;
    int main()
       int i= 6;
       cout << "The value of i is " << i << endl;
    void func1(int i)
       cout << "The value of i in func1 is " << i << endl;
    void func2()
       cout << "The value of i in func2 is " << i << endl;
    void func3()
       int i = 8;
       cout << "The value of i in func3 is " << i << endl;

8.  #include <iostream.h>
    void func();
    int main()

    void func()
       int i = 0;
       static int j = 0;
       cout << i << ' ' << j << endl;

9.  Write a function called maxAndMin that reads 12 numbers from the
    user and returns the largest and the smallest of the numbers that
    were entered.

10. Write a prototype for maxAndMin.

11. Write the statements to call maxAndMin and print the values that
    were returned.

12. Write a function called dayTypes to read in 30 temperatures from
    the file "temp.in". The function should count and return the number
    of hot days, the number of nice days, and the number of cold days.
    Use the following to decided whether a day is hot, cold, or nice:

            temperature         type of day
                 < 60              cold
                60-84              nice
                85 and up           hot

13. Write a prototype for the function dayTypes.

14. Write the statements to call dayTypes and print the number of
    cold days, nice days, and hot days.

Remember to type your answers and to make two copies of each homework assignment. One copy is submitted to me and the other you keep to use in the group discussions.

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