Homework 6: Due Thursday, September 28th

Read Chapter 4, section 4.3 and 4.4, and complete the following problems:

Complete the following problems:

1.   Determine the value of the following expressions, and determine whether
     they are true or false. Assume that  w = 2, x = 10, y = 3, and z = 5.

     a. x > y

     b. z < y

     c. x != y

     d. x - 5 == z

     e. x + 1 <= z * w

     f. !(x * y) > 0

     g. 'A' < 'T'

2.   Indicate if the following expressions evaluate to TRUE or FALSE:

     a.   5 > 2 && 2 == 5

     b.   5 > 2 || 2 == 5

     c.   5 > 2 && !(2 == 5)

     d.   5 > 2 || !(2 == 5)

     e.   5 > 2 && !2 == 5

     f.   3 != 3 || 7 < 8 && 2 < 3

     g.   4 || !5 && 0

     h.   'g' < 'p' && 'G' > 'O'

Remember to type your answers and to make two copies of each homework assignment. One copy is submitted to me and the other you keep to use in the group discussions.

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