Algorithm Worksheet Answers

 1.  read the length of the window
     read the width of the window
     read delivery choice - y or n
     area = length * width
     glass cost = area * .50
     perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
     frame cost = perimeter * .75
     total cost = glass cost + frame cost
     if delivery == 'y'
        total cost = total cost + 50.00
     print length, width, total cost

2.  This algorithm shows a simple "if" statement. The test data for this
particular problem needs to include the window information (length and
width) and the delivery option. You would need to make up at least TWO
sets of test data; one when the delivery is Yes and one when the delivery
is No.

length    width    delivery
  10       40         n
  15       20         y

3.  read the length of the window
    read the width of the window
    area = length * width
    perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
    if area <= 1000
       glass cost = area * .50
       frame cost = perimeter * .75
       glass cost = area * .60
       frame cost = perimeter * .80
    total cost = glass cost + frame cost
     if delivery == 'y'
        total cost = total cost + 50.00
    print length, width, total cost

4.  As you make up test data for this problem, you must realize that
smaller windows are 1 - 1000 square inches and larger windows are 1001
square inches or more. The 1000 and the 1001 become what is referred to
as the "boundary" numbers. They are the numbers that determine the
difference between the two prices. Test data ALWAYS involves using the
boundary numbers.

length    width    delivery
  20       50         n
  50       20.05      y

Notice that the area of the first window is 1000, and the area of the
second window is 1001. If the length and width are ints, we cannot choose
data that will give us an area of 1001. In that case we should get as close
to the boundary value as possible, for example, using values like 501 and 2
for the length and the width.

5.  read the length of the window
    read the width of the window
    read the thickness of the window (s/d)
    area = length * width
    perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
    if thickness = 's'               // USES TWO-WAY SELECTION
       glass cost = area * .50
       glass cost = area * 1.00
       if glass cost < 350.00        // THIS IS ONE-WAY SELECTION INSIDE
          glass cost = 350.00        // THE TWO-WAY SELECTION
    frame cost = perimeter * .75
    total cost = glass cost + frame cost
     if delivery == 'y'
        total cost = total cost + 50.00
    print length, width, total cost

6.  This problem has three cases: single pane, double pane with glass cost
less than $350, and double pane with class cost of $350 or more. As in the
previous problem, the best test data uses the boundary values. It's also a
good idea to try a case of double pane with glass cost greater than $350.

length    width   single/double   delivery
  10       34.9        d             n
     10 by 34.9 gives an area of 349, which gives a glass cost of $349
  10       35          d             y
     10 by 35 gives an area of 350, which gives a glass cost of $350
  10       15          s             n
  20       30          d             n

7.  grand total = 0
    read the length of the window
    read the width of the window
    while length != -1 and width != -1
       read the thickness of the window (s/d)
       area = length * width
       perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
       if thickness = 's'            // USES TWO-WAY SELECTION
          glass cost = area * .50
          glass cost = area * 1.00
          if glass cost < 350        // THIS IS ONE-WAY SELECTION INSIDE
             glass cost = 350        // THE TWO-WAY SELECTION
       frame cost = perimeter * .75
       total cost = glass cost + frame cost
       if delivery == 'y'
          total cost = total cost + 50.00
       print length, width, total cost
       grand total = grand total + total cost
       read the length of the window
       read the width of the window
    print grand total

8.  For this problem, we can use the test data given for the previous
algorithm. Instead of having to run the program four separate times, we
can use this test data all in one execution. We just need to add -1 -1
to the end of the data to stop the loop.

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