Function Worksheet II

Show what will be printed by each of the following programs.

1.  #include <iostream.h>
    void doglobal();
    void dolocal();
    void doref(int&);
    void doval(int);
    int x;
    int main()
       x = 15;
       cout << "x = " << x << " after the call to doref\n";
       x = 16;
       cout << "x = " << x << " after the call to doval\n";
       x = 17;
       cout << "x = " << x << " after the call to dolocal\n";
       x = 18;
       cout << "x = " << x << " after the call to doglobal\n";
       return 0;
    void doref(int& a)
       a = 3;
    void doval(int b)
       b = 4;
    void dolocal()
       int x;
       x = 5;
    void doglobal()
       x = 7;

2.  #include <iostream.h>
    int num = 10;
    void one();
    void two(int);
    void three();
    void four(int&);
    void five(int&);
    int main()
       int num = 1;
       cout << "At start of main num = " << num << endl;
       cout << "After call to one num = " << num << endl;
       cout << "After call to two num = " << num << endl;
       cout << "After call to three num = " << num << endl;
       cout << "After call to four num = " << num << endl;
       cout << "After call to two num = " << num << endl;
       cout << "After call to one num = " << num << endl;
       cout << "After call to five num = " << num << endl;
       cout << "After call to one num  " << num << endl;
    void one()
       cout << "   At the start of one num = " << num << endl;
       num = 50;
       cout << "   At the end of one num = " << num << endl;
    void two(int num)
       cout << "   At the start of two num = " << num << endl;
       num = 5;
       cout << "   At the end of two num = " << num << endl;
    void three()
       int num = 100;
       cout << "   At the start of three num = " << num << endl;
       num = 200;
       cout << "   At the end of three num = " << num << endl;
    void four(int& num)
       cout << "   At the start of four num = " << num << endl;
       num = 25;
       cout << "   At the end of four num = " << num << endl;
    void five(int& i)
       cout << "   At the start of five num = " << num << endl;
       num = 2;
       i = 3;
       cout << "   At the end of five num = " << num << endl;

3.  #include <iostream.h>
    void triple(int);
    int main(void)
       int x;
       for (x = 1; x <= 5; x++)

    void triple(int value)
       static int total = 0;
       int answer;
       answer = 3 * value;
       total += answer;
       cout << value << ' ' << answer << endl;
       cout << "total " << total
            << endl << endl;

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