Function Worksheet III Answers

1.    1

2.  #include <fstream.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    void maxmin(int& max, int& min)
       ifstream numin;
       int value;"numbers.dat");
       max = INT_MIN;
       min = INT_MAX;
       numin >> value;
       while (numin)
          if (value > max)
             max = value;
          if (value < min)
             min = value;
          numin >> value;

3.  void maxmin(int&,int&);

4.  maxmin(large,small);
    cout << "The largest number in the file is: " << large << endl;
    cout << "The smallest number in the file is: " << small << endl;

5.  #include <fstream.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    int maxmin(int& max, int& min)
       ifstream numin;
       int value;"numbers.dat");
       //  if the open was not successful, return false
       if (!numin)
          return 0;
       //  otherwise, find max and min and return true
       max = INT_MIN;
       min = INT_MAX;
       numin >> value;
       while (numin)
          if (value > max)
             max = value;
          if (value < min)
             min = value;
          numin >> value;
       return 1;

6.  int maxmin(int&,int&);

7.  ok = maxmin(large,small);
    if (ok == 1)   //  or could write "if (ok)"
       cout << "The largest number in the file is: " << large << endl;
       cout << "The smallest number in the file is: " << small << endl;
       cout << "Error opening file numbers.dat\n";

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