Third If Statement Worksheet Answers

 1.  cout <<"Enter a character: ";
     cin >> ch;
     if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
        cout << ch << " is an uppercase letter\n";
     else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
        cout << ch << " is a lowercase letter\n";
     else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
        cout << ch << " is a digit\n";
        cout << ch << " is a special character\n";

 2.  cout << "Enter the speed limit: ";
     cin >> splimit;
     cout << "Enter the actual speed: ";
     cin >> actspeed;
     overlimit = actspeed - splimit;
     if (overlimit >= 1 && overlimit <=14)
        fine = 75;
     else if (overlimit <=24)
        fine = 125;
        fine = 215;
     cout << "The fine for travelling " << overlimit
          << "miles over the speed limit is " << fine << endl;

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