If Statement Worksheet Answers

For each of the following, correct the syntax errors.

1.  if (x > 25.0)
       y = x;
       y = z;

2.  if (x > 0)
       cout << "positive " << x << endl;
       cout << "negative " << x << endl;

What is the output of each of the following statements? Assume that each problem uses the values x = 5, y = 2, z = 10, and temp = 0

3.  5  2  10

4.  (nothing is printed)

5.  10  2  0

6.  10  2  5

7.  7

8.  -8  2  10

14. if (angle == 90)
       cout << "right angle\n";
       cout << "not a right angle\n";

15. if (temp1 - temp2 > 2.3)
       approx = (temp1 - temp2) * factor;

16. if (credits >=122)
       cout << "You are ready to graduate\n";
       cout << "You are not ready to graduate\n";

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