Sample Program: Inheritance Hierarchy of Bank Accounts with Constructors and Print Functions

//  this program uses an inheritance hierarchy of bank accounts.
//  this version has base and derived class constructors
//  and print functions which are NOT polymorphic

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>

//                        class BankAccount
//  this is the base class for all types of bank accounts
//  it has the following member functions
//		deposit() 	make deposit into account
//		account_num()	access the account number
//		balance()	access the account balance
//		print()		function to print data members
//  it has the following data members
//		acctnum		the account number
//		bal		the amount of money in the account

class BankAccount
  void deposit(float amount)   { bal += amount; }
  int account_num() const      { return acctnum; }
  float balance() const        { return bal; }
  void print();
  int acctnum;
  float bal;

//  constructor for BankAccounts; both args can default to zero

BankAccount::BankAccount(int num, float ibal)
  acctnum = num;
  bal = ibal;

//  print function for BankAccount

void BankAccount::print()
  cout << "Bank Account: " << acctnum << endl;
  cout << "\tBalance: " << bal << endl;

//                        class Checking
//  this class is derived from BankAccount; it represents checking accounts
//  it contains the following additional member functions
//		Checking()	constructor
//		cash_check()    cash check and debit balance
//		print()	  	function to print data members
//  it contains the following additional data members
//		minimum		per check charge added if bal < minbal
//		charge		amount charged per check when bal < minbal

class Checking : public BankAccount
  int cash_check(float);
  void print();
  float minimum;
  float charge;

//  constructor for checking accounts -- all parms can default

Checking::Checking(int num, float ibal, float min, float chg)
                  : BankAccount(num,ibal)
  minimum = min;
  charge = chg;

//  cash a check
//	return false if there is not enough money to cash the check
//	otherwise cash the check, deduct per check fee if below
//      the minimum balance

int Checking::cash_check(float amount)
  char pause;

//  check for insufficient funds, write message and exit false
  if (amount >= bal)
      cout << endl << "Cannot cash check for $" << amount << " on account "
	   << acctnum << "; insufficient funds." << endl;
      cout << "Press enter to continue." << endl;
      return 0;

//  cash check and deduct per check charge if necessary
  if (bal < minimum)
    bal -= amount + charge;
    bal -= amount;
  return 1;

//  print function for Checking

void Checking::print()
  cout << "Checking Account: " << acctnum << endl;
  cout << "\tBalance: " << bal << endl;
  cout << "\tMinimum: " << minimum << endl;
  cout << "\tCharge: " << charge << endl << endl;

//                        class InterestChecking
//  this class is derived from Checking; it represents interest
//  bearing checking accounts
//  it contains the following additional member functions
//		InterestChecking()	constructor
//		interest()      	calculate and add interest if bal > minbal
//		print()		        function to print data members
//  it contains the following additional data members
//		intrate		annual interest rate earned when bal > minbal
//                              credited monthly
//              minint		minimum balance required to receive interest
//		moncharge	monthly fee (only charged if minimum balance 
//                              not met)

class InterestChecking : public Checking
  void interest();
  void print();
  float intrate;
  float minint;
  float moncharge;

//  constructor for interest checking accounts -- all parms can
//  default

InterestChecking::InterestChecking(int num, float ibal, float cmin, float imin,
           float chg, float rate,float monchg) : Checking(num,ibal,cmin,chg)
  intrate = rate;
  minint = imin;
  moncharge = monchg;

//  add interest to interest checking account -- interest is earned
//  only when balance is above the minimum; if not, the monthly fee is charged

void InterestChecking::interest()
  const int nummths = 12;
  const int cvtpct = 100;
  if (bal >= minimum)
      float intamt = bal * intrate / (nummths * cvtpct);
      bal += intamt;
    bal -= moncharge;

//  print function for InterestChecking

void InterestChecking::print()
  cout << "Interest Checking Account: " << acctnum << endl;
  cout << "\tBalance: " << bal << endl;
  cout << "\tMinimum to Avoid Charges: " << minimum << endl;
  cout << "\tCharge per Check: " << charge << endl;
  cout << "\tMinimum for Interest and No Monthly Fee: " << minint << endl;
  cout << "\tInterest: " << intrate << "%" << endl;
  cout << "\tMonthly Fee: " << moncharge
       << "\n\n";

//                        class Savings
//  this class is derived from BankAccount; it represents savings accounts
//  it contains the following additional member functions
//		Savings()	constructor
//		interest()      caculate and add interest
//		withdraw()	debit account for a withdrawal
//		print()		function to print data members
//  it contains the following additional data members
//		intrate		annual interest rate earned
//                              credited monthly

class Savings : public BankAccount
  Savings(int=0,float=0,float = 3.5);
  void interest();
  int withdraw(float);
  void print();
  float intrate;

//  constructor for savings accounts -- all parms can default

Savings::Savings(int num, float ibal, float rate) : BankAccount(num,ibal)
  intrate = rate;

//  withdraw from a Savings account -- returns false if the withdrawal
//  was not done because of insufficient funds; otherwise return true

int Savings::withdraw(float amount)
  char pause;
  if (bal <= amount)
      cout << endl << "Withdrawal of $" << amount << " from account "
	   << acctnum << " not permitted; insufficient funds." << endl;
      cout << endl << "Press Enter to continue." << endl;
      return 0;
  bal -= amount;
  return 1;

//  add interest to a savings account

void Savings::interest()
  const int nummths = 12;
  const int cvtpct = 100;
  float intamt = bal * intrate / (nummths * cvtpct);
  bal += intamt;

//  print function for Savings

void Savings::print()
  cout << "Savings Account: " << acctnum << endl;
  cout << "\tBalance: " << bal << endl;
  cout << "\tInterest: " << intrate << "%" << endl << endl;

//  main program to test our classes

void main()

  BankAccount * accounts[4];

//  define bank accounts
  Checking stroustrup(1001,750);
  InterestChecking thompson(1005,3500);
  Savings kernighan(1022,1000);
  Checking ritchie(1014,600);

  accounts[0] = &stroustrup;
  accounts[1] = &thompson;
  accounts[2] = &kernighan;
  accounts[3] = &ritchie;

//  set up output for dollar amounts
  cout << setprecision(2);

//  checking account transactions

//  interest checking account transactions

//  savings account transactions

//  add interest where appropriate

//  print accounts

//  print accounts through the array
  cout << endl;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)



Cannot cash check for $1195.00 on account 1001; insufficient funds.
Press enter to continue.

Checking Account: 1001
        Balance: 1154.01
        Minimum: 1000.00
        Charge: 0.25

Savings Account: 1022
        Balance: 451.31
        Interest: 3.50%

Interest Checking Account: 1005
        Balance: 4107.99
        Minimum to Avoid Charges: 1000.00
        Charge per Check: 0.25
        Minimum for Interest and No Monthly Fee: 2500.00
        Interest: 2.50%
        Monthly Fee: 10.00

Checking Account: 1014
        Balance: 1304.26
        Minimum: 1000.00
        Charge: 0.25

Bank Account: 1001
        Balance: 1154.01
Bank Account: 1005
        Balance: 4107.99
Bank Account: 1022
        Balance: 451.31
Bank Account: 1014
        Balance: 1304.26

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