Sample Program: Counter Classes with Inheritance

//  Counter keeps a count which can be initialized to zero or
//  another positive integer value -- member functions allow
//  the count to be incremented and return the current value
//  of the counter
class Counter
   Counter()       { count = 0; }
   Counter(int c)  { count = c; }
   int get_count() { return count; }
   Counter& operator++() { count++; return *this; }
   int count;

//  class CountUD is derived from Counter -- it adds the ability to
//  decrement the counter
class CountUD : public Counter
   CountUD& operator--();

//  prefix decrement operator for CountUD -- decrements the counter;
//  makes sure that counter wasn't already zero
CountUD& CountUD::operator--()
   if (count != 0)
   return *this;

//  client code
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
   CountUD ct1;
   Counter c;

   cout << endl << "c = " << c.get_count();

   cout << endl << "ct1 = " << ct1.get_count();
   cout << endl << "ct1 = " << (++ct1).get_count();
   cout << endl << "ct1 = " << (--ct1).get_count();


Sample Output

c = 1
ct1 = 0
ct1 = 3
ct1 = 1

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