FTPing To and From the CS Server

An easy way to transfer files between home and the CS server is to use FTP. FTP is the Internet service for file transfer. You can copy your files to your computer by using FTP on your computer to download your files from the CS server. Before you return to school, you can copy your files back to the CS server by using FTP on your computer to upload your files to the CS server.

To use FTP, you must have an FTP client. This is a program that sends requests to the FTP server program on the CS server. When you use the FTP client, first you need to login in using your csc134 account. Then you need to navigate to the directory on the server that has your files, and the directory on your computer where you want to save the downloaded file. Then you need to request the file download. The same steps are needed when you want to upload your file onto the cs server.

There is an ftp client included with Windows. You can run this client by typing ftp at the Run... entry on the Start menu. However, this is a command line client which requires that you know the ftp commands for signing on, changing directories, and copying files.

There are also many FTP clients that you can purchase or download. An excellent free version (for students) with a graphical user interface is WS_FTP LE. The newer versions of WS_FTP are not free but you can still download the free version at http://freeware.intrastar.net/ftp.htm

Setting Up an FTP Profile in WS_FTP

When you bring up WS_FTP, the Session Properties window is open. You can create a profile for logging in to the CS server. Then you can use this profile everytime you want to transfer files.

To create your profile, type a name for your profile (such as "CS Server") in the Profile Name text box. In the Host Name/Address text box, enter ftp.cslabs.middlesexcc.edu. This is the name for the ftp server on the CS server. In the User ID text box, enter your csc134 login. Leave the password and other text boxes blank.

Connecting to the FTP Server

After you have entered the settings for your profile, click on the OK button. When the password box comes up, enter your password for your csc134 account. When your login is successful, you will see a list of files on each side of the ftp window.

Transferring Files

The left side of the FTP window displays files on the local computer. The right side of the FTP window displays files on the CS server. You can use the drop down list box at the top on each side to change the directory. You can also click on the first entry in each window (which has an up arrow and the symbol ..) to move to the parent directory. At the bottom of the left side window you will also find an entry for each drive on the local machine.

Once you have navigated to the desired directories, make sure you choose ASCII for the file transfer mode. To download a file from the CS server to your computer, click on the file you want to download in the CS server window (on the right side), and click the top arrow button (the one that points to the left) in the middle. This will transfer the file to your computer. To upload a file from your computer to the CS server, click on the file you want to upload in the local computer window (on the left side), and click the bottom arrow button (the one that points to the right) in the middle. This will transfer the file to the CS server.

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