Operator Precedence Chart

C++ uses the following precedence order for operators:

1.    [ ]         subscripting             left to right

       .          direct selection         left to right

      ->          indirect selection       left to right

    ++, --        postfix incr, decr       left to right

2.  ++, --         prefix incr, decr       right to left

    sizeof         size                    right to left

      !            logical not             right to left

      &            address of              right to left

      *            indirection             right to left

  (type name)      type cast               right to left

3.  *, /, %        multiplicative          left to right

4.   +, -          additive                left to right

5.  <, <=, >, >=   relational              left to right

6.  ==, !=         equality/inequality     left to right

7.   &&            logical and             left to right

8.   ||            logical or              left to right

9.  =, +=, -=,     assignment              right to left
     *=, /=

If two operators have the same precedence, the operand is grouped with the left or right operator according to whether the operators are evaluated left to right or right to left.

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