
function definition
the statements that include the function header and body define what the function will do when it is executed; also includes the function header
function declaration/function prototype
statement that indicates the name, return type, and parameters of a function; it is required if the function is called in a statement that appears before the function definition
function header
the first statement in a function definition; specifies the name of the function, its return type, and formal parameters
function call
statement that invokes a function; causes the function to be executed at that point in the program
formal parameter/formal argument
parameter in the function header
actual parameter/actual argument
parameter in the function call
class implementation
the definitions of the member functions
class definition
the statements that indicate the class name, declare the data members, and declare the member functions of the class
instance of a class
an object of the class type
the process of creating an object of a class type
client code
the code that instantiates and manipulates one or more objects of a class type
invoking object
the object used in the call to a member function; data members used in the code of the member function refer to the data members of the invoking object
data member/field
a variable declared in a class definition
member function/method
a function that is declared inside a class
global function
a function that is not part of any class
scope resolution operator ::
used to indicate the scope to which the operand belongs; can used with the class name in a function header to specify that the function is a member of that class
access specifier
specifies whether functions which are not class members can refer to a class member
a private class member can only be used in a member function of that class
a public class member can be used in any function in the program
special member function that has the same name as the class and no return type; is automatically called when an object is instantiated; can be used to initialize the object
default constructor
a constructor that requires no actual parameters
copy constructor
a constructor that has an object of the class (passed by reference) as the parameter; used to initialize an object of a class to the value contained in an existing object of the same class
default argument
a function parameter that has a default value specified; if this parameter is not passed in a call to the function, the default value will be used for the parameter
mandatory argument
a function parameter that has no default value specified; when the function is called a value must be passed for this parameter
accessor function
a member function that uses data members but does not modify them
mutator function
a member function that modifies one or more data members
containment/composition/composite class
refers to the situation when a data member of one class is of some other class type

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