How to Submit Labs for Grading

When you are finished with your lab, you will use a program to submit it. (The programs described in this handout were written by Prof. Sackrowitz.) This program will copy all the files for your lab into a different directory for grading. You can submit the lab as many times as you want. If you submit more than once, the program will replace the old version of the lab with the new version. When you submit the lab, you must list all files (both .C and .h) that make up your program.

To submit your lab, use the submit134 program. If you want to check which labs you have submitted, use the verify134 program.


Use the following format to run the submit134 program:

submit134 labx <list of files>
This parameter specifies which lab you are submitting. The x should be replaced by the lab number. For example, if you are submitting Lab 1, you should use lab1 for this parm. Please note that you should use all lowercase for this parm.
<list of files>
The remaining parameters specify the files you want to submit for grading. You need to list all files that are part of your program, including both .C and .h files.

For example, if you want to submit your Lab 2 for grading, and Lab 2 is made up of files lab2.C, Date.C, and Date.h, then you would use the following:

submit134 lab2 lab2.C Date.C Date.h

If you execute submit134 with no parameters, it will print a list of the lab numbers.


The verify134 program will list the files you have submitted for a specific lab. Use the following format to run the verify134 program:

verify134 labx
This parameter specifies which lab you wish to verify. The x should be replaced by the lab number. For example, if you are verifying Lab 1, you should use lab1 for this parm. Please note that you should use all lowercase for this parm.

For example, if you want to verify which files you submitted for Lab 2, then you would use the following:

verify134 lab2

verify134 will then print a list of the files you submitted for Lab 2.

If you execute verify134 with no parameters, it will print a list of the lab numbers.

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