Array Worksheet One

Given the following:

      int i = 3;
      int [] arr = {10,15,7,20,11,2};
      int x = -1;
      int y = 100;

Show the values in x and y after executing each of the following:

1.   x = arr[3];

2.   x = 2 * arr[0];

3.   x = arr[1] + arr[2];

4.   x = arr[i] + i;
     y = x + a[5];

5.   x = arr[i] + 1;
     y = arr[i+1];

Given the following array:

      int[] a = new int[10];

Write a loop to do each of the following:

6.   Add 1 to every element of a.

7.   Count the number of negative numbers in a.

8.   Create a new array b which is the same size as a, and copy all elements
     from a into b.

9.   Print the elements of a in reverse order.

10.  Count the number of elements in a that have values between 10 and
     20 inclusive.

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