Function Worksheet

If there are no errors in the program, show what will be printed by
each of the following programs. If there are any errors in the program
explain what is wrong.

1.  public static void main(String args[]) {
       int a,b;
       a = 3;
       b = 4;
    public static int three(int x, int y) {
       int a;
       a = x + y;
       return a;

2.  public static void main(String args[]) {
       int f;
       f = 1;
       for (int i = 1 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
          f = three(i,f);
    public static int three(int a, int b) {
       int z;
       z = a + a * b;
       return z;

3.  Write a function that returns the cost of mailing a package, given
the weight of the package in pounds and ounces, and a cost per ounce.
Recall that there are 16 ounces in a pound. ("given" means that
these values will be passed to the function as parameters)

4.  Write the statements to read in the weight of a package (in pounds
and ounces), and the cost per ounce for mailing. Then call your
function to calculate the mailing cost, and print the mailing cost.

5.  Write a function checkeven which receives 3 integer variables and
prints YES if all three numbers are even. Otherwise the function
prints NO. ("receives" means that these values will be passed to the
function as parameters)

6.  Write the statements to read in three numbers and call the
checkeven function.

7.  Write another version of the checkeven function. This version
receives 3 integer variables and returns true if all three numbers
are even. Otherwise, the function returns false.

8. Write the statements to read in three numbers and call the
new version of the checkeven function. Then print YES if all three
numbers were even, or print NO if they were not all even.

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