Logical Operators Worksheet Answers

If x = -2, y = 5, z = 0 , and t = -4, what is the value of each of the following logical expressions?

  1. False

  2. True

  3. True && True is True

  4. False || True is True

  5. True || True is True

  6. False && True is False

  7. False || False is False

  8. !False is True

  9. !True || True is False || True is True

  10. False || True && False is False || False is False

  11. !True && True is False && True is False

Write sytactically correct logical expressions for the following conditions:

  1. m < 100

  2. n > 0 && n > m

  3. m >= 5 && m <= 10

  4. k < 1 || k > 2

  5. j < 0 && k < 0

  6. i % 2 == 0

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