How To Download An Image File From a Web Page

There is an easy shortcut for saving a copy of an image that you see in a web page. However, don't forget that some images are copyrighted. You should only save copies of images when you are sure that the owner has given permission for people to download the image.

  1. Click on the image using your right mouse button. A menu will pop up.

  2. From the popup menu, click on Save Image As. A Save As box will open.

  3. Choose a name and location to save the image. Make sure you save the image on your A: disk if you are in the computer lab. You can change the name of the file but don't change the type of the file (usually the type is gif or jpg). The type of the file must stay the same so that Netscape will know how to display the file.

Sites for Downloading Images

Some sites for downloading images are:

You can find many more image sites by looking under Computers and the Internet on Yahoo.

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