Programming in Java
Lab 3

In this lab you will write a program to register students for courses. Your program will include classes for courses, the schedule of classes, student schedules, and times.

Course Class

Each Course object represents one course that is being offered. If there are multiple sections of a given course, then there will be a Course object for each section. To simplify things, we will assume that each course meets only once a week. The fields of the Course class are:

The methods of the Course class are:

ClassSchedule Class

A ClassSchedule object holds the schedule of classes for a single semester -- this is the list of all classes that are being offered. The fields of the ClassSchedule class are:

The methods of the ClassSchedule class are:

StudentSchedule Class

A StudentSchedule object holds the schedule of a particular student. There will be one StudentSchedule object for each student that is registering for courses.The fields of the StudentSchedule class are:

The methods of the StudentSchedule class are:

Time Class

You will need a Time class to hold and print the start and end times of Courses. Remember that when we are talking about classes, we work with only hours and minutes. The fields of the Time class are:

The methods of the Time class are:

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