Sample Program Using an Unordered List

#include <iostream.h>
#include "arrlist.h"

int main()
	int ok;
	int anum;
	List mynums;

//  add some numbers to the list and then print the list

	ok = mynums.insert(1,10);
	ok = mynums.insert(2,20);
	ok = mynums.insert(3,30);
	ok = mynums.insert(2,40);
	ok = mynums.insert(3,80);
	cout << "The list contains:\n";
	for (int i = 1 ; i <=mynums.length() ; i++)
		cout << anum << "   ";
	cout << endl;

//  delete some items from the list and then print it again

	ok = mynums.del(3);
	ok = mynums.del(1);
	cout << "\nAfter deleting, the list contains:\n";
	for (i = 1 ; i <= mynums.length() ; i++)
		cout << anum << "   ";
	cout << endl;


The list contains:
10   40   80   20   30

After deleting, the list contains:
40   20   30

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