Header File for List ADT - Linked List Implementation

// *********************************************************
// Header file ullist.h for the ADT List.
// Pointer-based implementation.
// *********************************************************

#ifndef ULLIST_H
#define ULLIST_H

typedef int listItemType;

struct listNode        // a node on the list
    listItemType Item;  // a data item on the list
    listNode*    Next;  // pointer to next node
};  // end struct

typedef listNode* ptrType;  // pointer to node

class List
// constructors and destructor:
    List();                      // default constructor
    List(List& L);		 // copy constructor
    ~List();                     // destructor

// List operations:
    int isEmpty();
    int length();
    int insert(int NewPosition, listItemType NewItem);
    int del(int Position);
    int retrieve(int Position, listItemType& DataItem);
    int     Size;  // number of items in list
    ptrType Head;  // pointer to linked list of items

    // Returns a pointer to the Position-th node
    // in the linked list.
    ptrType PtrTo(int Position);
}; // end class
// End of header file.


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