Programming Standards

All programs must conform to certain basic standards. These standards are designed to make programs readable, understandable, and easy to modify. The programming standards we will follow include:

Use meaningful variable names

Named constants must be defined for all special constants used. Use const rather than #define.

Do not use global variables. Global constants are acceptable.

Use functions to structure your program. Functions should be short, so use lots of them. A general guideline is to make sure that no function is more than one page long. Functions that are no more than a half page long are better. Don't worry about making functions too short or making too many of them!

Use parameters only for variables that are shared between functions. If a variable is only needed within one function, make it local to that function.

Comments must be used as follows:

Programs must be properly formatted.

Programs must have correct and nicely formatted output.

Program grades will be based on correctness of output, timeliness, and the standards listed above.

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