Member Functions for Stack ADT - List-based Implementation

// *********************************************************
// Implementation file StackLst.cpp for the ADT stack.
// ADT list implementation.
// *********************************************************
#include "StackLst.h"    // header file

{ }  // end default constructor

Stack::Stack(Stack& S): L(S.L)
{ }  // end copy constructor

{ }  // end destructor

int Stack::isEmpty()
   return (L.length() == 0);
}  // end StackIsEmpty

int Stack::push(stackItemType NewItem)
   int Success = L.insert(1, NewItem);
   return Success;
}  // end Push

int Stack::pop()
   int Success = L.del(1);
   return Success;
// Assertion: If list was empty at entry, Success is false.
}  // end Pop

int Stack::pop(stackItemType& StackTop)
   int Success = L.retrieve(1, StackTop);
   Success = L.del(1);
   return Success;
// Assertion: If list was empty at entry, Success is false.
}  // end Pop

int Stack::top(stackItemType& StackTop)
   int Success = L.retrieve(1, StackTop);
   return Success;
// Assertion: If list was empty at entry, Success is false.
}  // end GetStackTop

// End of implementation file.

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