Header File for Stack ADT - Pointer-based Implementation

#ifndef STACKPTR_H
#define STACKPTR_H

// *********************************************************
// Header file Stackptr.h for the ADT stack.
// Pointer-based implementation.
// *********************************************************
const int MAX_STACK = 50;
typedef char stackItemType;

class Stack
// constructors and destructor:
   Stack();  // default constructor
   Stack(const Stack& S);       // copy constructor
   ~Stack();                    // destructor

// stack operations:
   int isEmpty();
   int push(stackItemType NewItem);
   int pop();
   int pop(stackItemType& StackTop);
   int top(stackItemType& StackTop);

   ptrType TopPtr;    //  pointer to item on top
};  // end Stack class


// End of header file.

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