Creating a Project in Turbo C++

A project is a way of grouping the files that make up a program, so that when you compile the program it knows which files to use. In Unix, we don't need a project, because in the g++ command we list all of the .C files that make up the program, and the compiler compiles all of the files we listed. In Turbo C++, if we only have one file in our program then we compile and run that file. But when we have a program made up of multiple files, we must add all of the files to a project, and then when we build the project, it compiles all of the .cpp files in the project to create our program.

The following steps describe how to create a project in Turbo C++.

  1. Select one of the files in your program as the active window.

  2. Choose New Project from the Project menu.

  3. Choose a name for your project. Enter the project name in the box called Target Name. In the Project Path and Name box, enter the correct path, ending with the same project name you used in the Target Name box. The path should point to the directory that contains your program. Choose EasyWin as the Target Type by clicking on it once. Click on OK.

  4. In the project window which now appears at the bottom of your screen, delete the .rc and .def nodes from the project. You can delete a node by right clicking on the node and selecting delete from the pop-up menu. There will also be a .cpp node which has the same name as the .exe node. If you don't have a .cpp file with this name in your program, delete this node from the project too.

  5. Click on the first line in the project window - the .exe node, which is the target of the project (the program the project will build). Now right click on the target and choose add node from the pop-up menu. An Open window will appear; select one of the other files in your program.

  6. Continue to add nodes until you have added all the .cpp and .h files which are part of your program.

  7. Your project is now ready. Choose Make All or Build All from the Project menu to build your project. After the build completes successfully, you can run your program by double clicking on the target in the Project Window, or by clicking on the Run button (the lightening bolt).

  8. If you want to work on a different program, close the project by choosing Close from the Project menu.

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