ABList: Array Based List

// ABList.java                by Dale/Joyce/Weems                    Chapter 6
// Array-Based List
// Null elements are not permitted on a list. The list is unbounded.
// Two constructors are provided: one that creates a list of a default
// original capacity, and one that allows the calling program to specify the
// original capacity.

import java.util.Iterator;

public class ABList<T> implements ListInterface<T>
  protected final int DEFCAP = 100; // default capacity
  protected int origCap;            // original capacity
  protected T[] elements;           // array to hold this list’s elements
  protected int numElements = 0;    // number of elements in this list

  // set by find method
  protected boolean found;  // true if target found, otherwise false
  protected int location;   // indicates location of target if found

  public ABList()
    elements = (T[]) new Object[DEFCAP];
    origCap = DEFCAP;

  public ABList(int origCap)
    elements = (T[]) new Object[origCap];
    this.origCap = origCap;

  protected void enlarge()
  // Increments the capacity of the list by an amount
  // equal to the original capacity.
    // Create the larger array.
    T[] larger = (T[]) new Object[elements.length + origCap];

    // Copy the contents from the smaller array into the larger array.
    for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
      larger[i] = elements[i];

    // Reassign elements reference.
    elements = larger;

  protected void find(T target)
  // Searches list for an occurence of an element e such that
  // e.equals(target). If successful, sets instance variables
  // found to true and location to the array index of e. If
  // not successful, sets found to false.
    location = 0;
    found = false;

    while (location < numElements)
      if (elements[location].equals(target))
        found = true;

  public boolean add(T element)
  // Adds element to end of this list.
    if (numElements == elements.length)
    elements[numElements] = element;
    return true;

  public boolean remove (T target)
  // Removes an element e from this list such that e.equals(target)
  // and returns true; if no such element exists, returns false.
    if (found)
      for (int i = location; i <= numElements - 2; i++)
        elements[i] = elements[i+1];
      elements[numElements - 1] = null;
    return found;

  public int size()
  // Returns the number of elements on this list.
    return numElements;

  public boolean contains (T target)
  // Returns true if this list contains an element e such that
  // e.equals(target); otherwise, returns false.
    return found;

  public T get(T target)
  // Returns an element e from this list such that e.equals(target);
  // if no such element exists, returns null.
    if (found)
      return elements[location];
      return null;

  public boolean isEmpty()
  // Returns true if this list is empty; otherwise, returns false.
    return (numElements == 0);

  public boolean isFull()
  // Returns false - the list is unbounded.
    return false;

  public void add(int index, T element)
  // Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if passed an index argument
  // such that index < 0 or index > size().
  // Otherwise, adds element to this list at position index; all current
  // elements at that index or higher have 1 added to their index.
    if ((index < 0) || (index > size()))
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal index of " + index +
                             " passed to ABList add method.\n");

    if (numElements == elements.length)

    for (int i = numElements; i > index; i--)
      elements[i] = elements[i - 1];

    elements[index] = element;

  public T set(int index, T newElement)
  // Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if passed an index argument
  // such that index < 0 or index >= size().
  // Otherwise, replaces element on this list at position index with
  // newElement and returns the replaced element.
    if ((index < 0) || (index >= size()))
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal index of " + index +
                             " passed to ABList set method.\n");

    T hold = elements[index];
    elements[index] = newElement;
    return hold;

  public T get(int index)
  // Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if passed an index argument
  // such that index < 0 or index >= size().
  // Otherwise, returns the element on this list at position index.
    if ((index < 0) || (index >= size()))
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal index of " + index +
                             " passed to ABList get method.\n");

    return elements[index];

  public int indexOf(T target)
  // If this list contains an element e such that e.equals(target),
  // then returns the index of the first such element.
  // Otherwise, returns -1.
    if (found)
      return location;
      return -1;

  public T remove(int index)
  // Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if passed an index argument
  // such that index < 0 or index >= size().
  // Otherwise, removes element on this list at position index and
  // returns the removed element; all current elements at positions
  // higher than that index have 1 subtracted from their position.
    if ((index < 0) || (index >= size()))
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal index of " + index +
                             " passed to ABList remove method.\n");

    T hold = elements[index];
    for (int i = index; i < numElements-1; i++)
      elements[i] = elements[i + 1];
    elements[numElements-1] = null;
    return hold;

  public Iterator<T> iterator()
  // Returns an Iterator over this list.
    return new Iterator<T>()
      private int previousPos = -1;

      public boolean hasNext()
      // Returns true if the iteration has more elements; otherwise returns false.
        return (previousPos < (size() - 1)) ;

      public T next()
      // Returns the next element in the iteration.
      // Throws NoSuchElementException - if the iteration has no more elements
        if (!hasNext())
          throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal invocation of next " +
                             " in ABList iterator.\n");
        return elements[previousPos];

      public void remove()
      // Removes from the underlying representation the last element returned
      // by this iterator. This method should be called only once per call to
      // next(). The behavior of an iterator is unspecified if the underlying
      // representation is modified while the iteration is in progress in any
      // way other than by calling this method.
        for (int i = previousPos; i <= numElements - 2; i++)
          elements[i] = elements[i+1];
        elements[numElements - 1] = null;

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