Binary Search Tree Class

//          by Dale/Joyce/Weems               Chapter 7
// Defines all constructs for a reference-based BST.
// Supports three traversal orders Preorder, Postorder & Inorder ("natural")

import java.util.*;   // Iterator, Comparator

public class BinarySearchTree<T> implements BSTInterface<T>
  protected BSTNode<T> root;      // reference to the root of this BST
  protected Comparator<T> comp;   // used for all comparisons

  protected boolean found;   // used by remove

  public BinarySearchTree()
  // Precondition: T implements Comparable
  // Creates an empty BST object - uses the natural order of elements.
    root = null;
    comp = new Comparator<T>()
       public int compare(T element1, T element2)
         return ((Comparable)element1).compareTo(element2);

  public BinarySearchTree(Comparator<T> comp)
  // Creates an empty BST object - uses Comparator comp for order
  // of elements.
    root = null;
    this.comp = comp;

  public boolean isFull()
  // Returns false; this link-based BST is never full.
    return false;

  public boolean isEmpty()
  // Returns true if this BST is empty; otherwise, returns false.
    return (root == null);

  public T min()
  // If this BST is empty, returns null;
  // otherwise returns the smallest element of the tree.
    if (isEmpty())
       return null;
       BSTNode<T> node = root;
       while (node.getLeft() != null)
         node = node.getLeft();
       return node.getInfo();

  public T max()
  // If this BST is empty, returns null;
  // otherwise returns the largest element of the tree.
    if (isEmpty())
       return null;
       BSTNode<T> node = root;
       while (node.getRight() != null)
         node = node.getRight();
       return node.getInfo();

  private int recSize(BSTNode<T> node)
  // Returns the number of elements in subtree rooted at node.
    if (node == null)
      return 0;
      return 1 + recSize(node.getLeft()) + recSize(node.getRight());

  public int size()
  // Returns the number of elements in this BST.
    return recSize(root);

  public int size2()
  // Returns the number of elements in this BST.
    int count = 0;
    if (root != null)
      LinkedStack nodeStack = new LinkedStack();
      BSTNode<T> currNode;
      while (!nodeStack.isEmpty())
        currNode =;
        if (currNode.getLeft() != null)
        if (currNode.getRight() != null)
    return count;

  private boolean recContains(T target, BSTNode<T> node)
  // Returns true if the subtree rooted at node contains info i such that
  //, i) == 0; otherwise, returns false.
    if (node == null)
      return false;       // target is not found
    else if (, node.getInfo()) < 0)
      return recContains(target, node.getLeft());   // Search left subtree
    else if (, node.getInfo()) > 0)
      return recContains(target, node.getRight());  // Search right subtree
      return true;        // target is found

  public boolean contains (T target)
  // Returns true if this BST contains a node with info i such that
  //, i) == 0; otherwise, returns false.
    return recContains(target, root);

  private T recGet(T target, BSTNode<T> node)
  // Returns info i from the subtree rooted at node such that
  //, i) == 0; if no such info exists, returns null.
    if (node == null)
      return null;             // target is not found
    else if (, node.getInfo()) < 0)
      return recGet(target, node.getLeft());         // get from left subtree
    if (, node.getInfo()) > 0)
      return recGet(target, node.getRight());        // get from right subtree
      return node.getInfo();  // target is found

  public T get(T target)
  // Returns info i from node of this BST where, i) == 0;
  // if no such node exists, returns null.
    return recGet(target, root);

  private BSTNode<T> recAdd(T element, BSTNode<T> node)
  // Adds element to tree rooted at node; tree retains its BST property.
    if (node == null)
      // Addition place found
      node = new BSTNode<T>(element);
    else if (, node.getInfo()) <= 0)
      node.setLeft(recAdd(element, node.getLeft()));    // Add in left subtree
      node.setRight(recAdd(element, node.getRight()));   // Add in right subtree
    return node;

  public boolean add (T element)
  // Adds element to this BST. The tree retains its BST property.
    root = recAdd(element, root);
    return true;

  public boolean add (T element)
  // Adds element to this BST. The tree retains its BST property.
    BSTNode<T> newNode = new BSTNode<T>(element);
    BSTNode<T> prev = null, curr = null;

    if (root == null)
      root = newNode;
      curr = root;
      while (curr != null)
        if (, curr.getInfo()) <= 0)
          prev = curr;
          curr = curr.getLeft();
          prev = curr;
          curr = curr.getRight();
      if (, prev.getInfo()) <= 0)
    return true;

  private T getPredecessor(BSTNode<T> subtree)
  // Returns the information held in the rightmost node of subtree
    BSTNode<T> temp = subtree;
    while (temp.getRight() != null)
      temp = temp.getRight();
    return temp.getInfo();

  private BSTNode<T> removeNode(BSTNode<T> node)
  // Removes the information at node from the tree.
    T data;
    if (node.getLeft() == null)
      return node.getRight();
    else if (node.getRight() == null)
      return node.getLeft();
      data = getPredecessor(node.getLeft());
      node.setLeft(recRemove(data, node.getLeft()));
      return node;

  private BSTNode<T> recRemove(T target, BSTNode<T> node)
  // Removes element with info i from tree rooted at node such that
  //, i) == 0 and returns true;
  // if no such node exists, returns false.
    if (node == null)
      found = false;
    else if (, node.getInfo()) < 0)
      node.setLeft(recRemove(target, node.getLeft()));
    else if (, node.getInfo()) > 0)
      node.setRight(recRemove(target, node.getRight()));
      node = removeNode(node);
      found = true;
    return node;

  public boolean remove (T target)
  // Removes a node with info i from tree such that,i) == 0
  // and returns true; if no such node exists, returns false.
    root = recRemove(target, root);
    return found;

  public Iterator<T> getIterator(BSTInterface.Traversal orderType)
  // Creates and returns an Iterator providing a traversal of a "snapshot"
  // of the current tree in the order indicated by the argument.
  // Supports Preorder, Postorder, and Inorder traversal.
    final LinkedQueue<T> infoQueue = new LinkedQueue<T>();
    if (orderType == BSTInterface.Traversal.Preorder)
      preOrder(root, infoQueue);
    if (orderType == BSTInterface.Traversal.Inorder)
      inOrder(root, infoQueue);
    if (orderType == BSTInterface.Traversal.Postorder)
      postOrder(root, infoQueue);

    return new Iterator<T>()
      public boolean hasNext()
      // Returns true if the iteration has more elements; otherwise returns false.
        return !infoQueue.isEmpty();

      public T next()
      // Returns the next element in the iteration.
      // Throws NoSuchElementException - if the iteration has no more elements
        if (!hasNext())
          throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("illegal invocation of next " +
                                     " in BinarySearchTree iterator.\n");
        return infoQueue.dequeue();

      public void remove()
      // Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
      // Not supported. Removal from snapshot iteration is meaningless.
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported remove attempted on "
                                              + "BinarySearchTree iterator.\n");

  private void preOrder(BSTNode<T> node, LinkedQueue<T> q)
  // Enqueues the elements from the subtree rooted at node into q in preOrder.
    if (node != null)
      preOrder(node.getLeft(), q);
      preOrder(node.getRight(), q);

  private void inOrder(BSTNode<T> node, LinkedQueue<T> q)
  // Enqueues the elements from the subtree rooted at node into q in inOrder.
    if (node != null)
      inOrder(node.getLeft(), q);
      inOrder(node.getRight(), q);

  private void postOrder(BSTNode<T> node, LinkedQueue<T> q)
  // Enqueues the elements from the subtree rooted at node into q in postOrder.
    if (node != null)
      postOrder(node.getLeft(), q);
      postOrder(node.getRight(), q);

  public Iterator<T> iterator()
  // InOrder is the default, "natural" order.
    return getIterator(BSTInterface.Traversal.Inorder);

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