DLLNode: Doubly Linked List Node

This class is used for the nodes in a doubly linked list. It is like the LLNode class but also has a pointer to the previous node in the list. This means it needs a couple of other methods. the pointer to the next node, and the associated methods, has been renamed.

// DLLNode.java              by Dale/Joyce/Weems                     Chapter 4
// Implements nodes holding info of class <T> for a doubly linked list.

package support;

public class DLLNode<T>
  private T info;
  private DLLNode<T> forward, back;

  public DLLNode(T info)
    this.info = info; forward = null; back = null;

  public void setInfo(T info){this.info = info;}
  public T getInfo(){return info;}

  public void setForward(DLLNode<T> forward){this.forward = forward;}
  public void setBack(DLLNode<T> back){this.back = back;}

  public DLLNode getForward(){return forward;}
  public DLLNode getBack(){return back;}

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