
// QueueInterface.java           by Dale/Joyce/Weems                 Chapter 4
// Interface for a class that implements a queue of <T>.
// A queue is a first-in, first-out structure.

public interface QueueInterface<T> {
   void enqueue(T element) throws QueueOverflowException;
   // Throws QueueOverflowException if this queue is full;
   // otherwise, adds element to the rear of this queue.

   T dequeue() throws QueueUnderflowException;
   // Throws QueueUnderflowException if this queue is empty;
   // otherwise, removes front element from this queue and returns it.

   boolean isFull();
   // Returns true if this queue is full;
   // otherwise, returns false.

   boolean isEmpty();
   // Returns true if this queue is empty;
   // otherwise returns false.

   int size();
   // Returns the number of elements in this queue.


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