Weighted Graph - Adjacency Matrix Implementation

// Incomplete version

// WeightedGraph.java            by Dale/Joyce/Weems                 Chapter 9
// Implements a directed graph with weighted edges.
// Vertices are objects of class T and can be marked as having been visited.
// Edge weights are integers.
// Equivalence of vertices is determined by the vertices' equals method.
// General precondition: Except for the addVertex and hasVertex methods,
// any vertex passed as an argument to a method is in this graph.

public class WeightedGraph<T> implements WeightedGraphInterface<T>
  public static final int NULL_EDGE = 0;
  private static final int DEFCAP = 50;  // default capacity
  private int numVertices;
  private int maxVertices;
  private T[] vertices;
  private int[][] edges;
  private boolean[] marks;  // marks[i] is mark for vertices[i]

  public WeightedGraph() {
  // Instantiates a graph with capacity DEFCAP vertices.
    numVertices = 0;
    maxVertices = DEFCAP;
    vertices = (T[]) new Object[DEFCAP];
    marks = new boolean[DEFCAP];
    edges = new int[DEFCAP][DEFCAP];

  public WeightedGraph(int maxV) {
  // Instantiates a graph with capacity maxV.
    numVertices = 0;
    maxVertices = maxV;
    vertices = (T[]) new Object[maxV];
    marks = new boolean[maxV];
    edges = new int[maxV][maxV];

  public boolean isEmpty() {
  // Returns true if this graph is empty; otherwise, returns false.

  public boolean isFull() {
  // Returns true if this graph is full; otherwise, returns false.

  public void addVertex(T vertex) {
  // Preconditions:   This graph is not full.
  //                  Vertex is not already in this graph.
  //                  Vertex is not null.
  // Adds vertex to this graph.
    vertices[numVertices] = vertex;
    for (int index = 0; index < numVertices; index++) {
      edges[numVertices][index] = NULL_EDGE;
      edges[index][numVertices] = NULL_EDGE;

  public boolean hasVertex(T vertex) {
  // Returns true if this graph contains vertex; otherwise, returns false.

  private int indexIs(T vertex) {
  // Returns the index of vertex in vertices.
    int index = 0;
    while (!vertex.equals(vertices[index]))
    return index;

  public void addEdge(T fromVertex, T toVertex, int weight) {
  // Adds an edge with the specified weight from fromVertex to toVertex.
    int row;
    int column;

    row = indexIs(fromVertex);
    column = indexIs(toVertex);
    edges[row][column] = weight;

  public int weightIs(T fromVertex, T toVertex) {
  // If edge from fromVertex to toVertex exists, returns the weight of edge;
  // otherwise, returns a special “null-edge” value.
    int row;
    int column;

    row = indexIs(fromVertex);
    column = indexIs(toVertex);
    return edges[row][column];

  public UnboundedQueueInterface<T> getToVertices(T vertex) {
  // Returns a queue of the vertices that are adjacent from vertex.
    UnboundedQueueInterface<T> adjVertices = new LinkedUnbndQueue<T>();
    int fromIndex;
    int toIndex;
    fromIndex = indexIs(vertex);
    for (toIndex = 0; toIndex < numVertices; toIndex++)
      if (edges[fromIndex][toIndex] != NULL_EDGE)
    return adjVertices;

  public void clearMarks() {
  // Sets marks for all vertices to false.

  public void markVertex(T vertex) {
  // Sets mark for vertex to true.

  public boolean isMarked(T vertex) {
  // Returns true if vertex is marked; otherwise, returns false.

  public T getUnmarked() {
  // Returns an unmarked vertex if any exist; otherwise, returns null.

  public void printGraph() {
  // use array of vertices and array of edges to print out all vertices & edges
   	int i;
   	int j;
   	T vertexElem;
   	T toElem;

    // for each vertex print the vertex
   	for (i = 0 ; i < numVertices ; i++) {
      vertexElem = vertices[i];

      // print each edge which starts at the current vertex
      System.out.println(vertexElem + "\n   Edges:");
      for (j = 0 ; j < numVertices ; j++) {
        if (edges[i][j] != NULL_EDGE) {
          toElem = vertices[j];
          System.out.println("      (" + vertexElem + "," + toElem + ") weight: " + edges[i][j]);


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