
How to Measure

  1. We could code the algorithm, run the program, time the execution. This is a bad option: the timing depends on the speed and current load on the computer. To compare to other algorithms, we need to code them and run them on the same computer under the same load.
  2. We could look at the algorithm (detailed pseudocode or code) and count the number of times each statement executes. Sometimes we choose a particular operation that is critical to the algorithm and count that operation rather than all statements. Then we can compare this count with the counts for existing algorithms.

We choose option 2. However, the data has a major impact on this count.

Effect of Data

In general we will use the worst case, since it is easy to calculate and at least gives us a bound on the amount of work required.

To recap, we will use a variable for the size of the problem (the amount of data), and we will use the worst case arrangement of data. Remember, the worst case is not when N is large, the worst case is when, for any value of N, the arrangement of data results in more work than for any other data set of the same size.


Linear Search

        int search(int[] arr, int size, int value) {
           int loc = -1;
           int i = 0;
           while (i < size) {
              if (arr[i] == value)
                 loc = i;
           return loc;

Best Case:




Worst Case:




Another version, that stops looping when the value is found:

        int search(int[] arr, int size, int value) {
           int loc = -1;
           int i = 0;
           while (i < size && loc == -1) {
              if (arr[i] == value)
                 loc = i;
           return loc;

Best Case:




Worst Case:




Binary Search (array must be sorted!)

        int binsearch(int[] arr, int size, int value) {
           int low = 0;
           int high = size - 1;
           int mid;
           while (low <= high) {
              mid = (low + high) / 2;
              if (arr[mid] > value)
                 high = mid - 1;
              else if (arr[mid] < value)
                 low = mid + 1;
                 return mid;
           return -1;

Best Case:




Worst Case: Suppose N = 2k















Big O

Our analysis gives us a formula in terms of N for the amount of work required by the algorithm. But we don't need an exact count because we need to make a distinction between algorithms that have a big difference in efficiency, not between one that is slightly faster than another. Also, we only care when N is large; when we have only a small problem it will never take that long to process it, even if the algorithm is slow. This table shows the counts for the worst case of sequential search and binary search for some values of N:

size (N) seq search (3N+4) bin search (5logN+3)
2 10 8
4 16 13
8 28 18
16 52 23
32 100 28
1024 3076 53
1,000,000 3,000,004 98

Using the exact formula is not necessary. Since we only care for large N, the high order term of the formula is the one that has the most impact on the count, for example, 3N impacts the count much more than 4, especially when N is large (look at the last row of the table). Also, it's really the N that counts, not the fact that it is multiplied by 3. Look at the following table, which is like the previous table, except that it uses only the high order terms, without the constant multipliers.

size (N) seq search (N) bin search (logN)
2 2 1
4 4 2
8 8 3
16 16 4
32 32 5
1024 1024 10
1,000,000 1,000,000 20

Thus when we measure the complexity of an algorithm we count the number of steps, then use the high order term of the resulting formula, without any constant multiplier. This is called the "order of magnitude", "order of growth", "rate of growth", or "big O". Here are some common orders of magnitude:

constant time
log N
 logarithmic time
linear time
 NlogN time
 quadratic time
N3 2N
exponential time
1 1 2 2 4 8 4
1 2 4 8 16 64 16
1 3 8 24 64 512 256
1 4 16 64 256 4,096 65,536
1 5 32 160 1,024 32,768 4,294,967,296
1 7 128 896 16,384 2,097,152 fast computer: trillion, billion years
1 8 256 2,048 65,536 16,777,216 don't ask
1 10 1,000 10,000 106 109  
1 20 106 2*107 1012 1018  

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