How to Succeed in CS Classes

Think of something you are good at: reading? riding a bike? math? video games? driving? cooking? How did you get so good? You practiced! To learn something, you need to DO IT, a lot. Whatever it is, it takes practice.

Success in a class can be defined in two main ways: getting a good grade and learning a lot. Both are important! Obviously good grades are important. So is learning! If you don't learn the material and the skills covered in one class, you will not succeed in subsequent classes. And since the goal is to make this your career, it's a big problem if you don't know what you're doing.

How to Study

When to Study

Ideally, you should do some class work before every class. At a minimum, you need to do some reading, problems, and coding every week. Waiting until before a quiz or exam is bad! It takes time for your brain to absorb new material; you can't learn everything at once. Also, waiting till the last minute can provoke a lot of anxiety. And you can't concentrate when you are are worrying!


Not Enough Time?

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