Interface Example - Sorting Arrays of Different Types

//  interface Sortable -- makes an array of objects sortable by providing
//  a function that can compare them, assuming that compare returns:
//      a negative number if invoking obj < parm
//      0 if invoking obj == parm
//      a positive number if invoking obj > parm
public interface Sortable {
    public int compare(Sortable other);

//  class Sort -- a class containing static sorting methods that can
//                sort any array of Sortable objects
public class Sort {

//  selection sort function
    static void selection_sort(Sortable[] values) {
        int minloc;
        Sortable temp;
        int size = values.length;
        for (int j = 0 ; j < size - 1 ; j++) {
            minloc = j;
            for (int k = j + 1 ; k < size ; k++)
                if (values[k].compare(values[minloc]) < 0)
                    minloc = k;
            if (minloc != j) {
                temp = values[minloc];
                values[minloc] = values[j];
                values[j] = temp;
//  we could add other sorting methods here

}   //  end class Sort

//  class IntNum -- a class for Sortable ints
public class IntNum implements Sortable {
    private int theNum;     //  field to hold the integer

    public IntNum() {
        theNum = 0;

    public IntNum(int number) {
        theNum = number;

//  compare function required by Sortable interface
    public int compare(Sortable another) {
        return ((IntNum)this).theNum - ((IntNum) another).theNum;

//  allows us to print an IntNum

    public String toString() {
        return Integer.toString(theNum);
}	//  end class IntNum

//  class Employee -- a class for Employees
public class Employee implements Sortable {
    private int SSNum;          //  the social security number
    private String firstname;
    private String lastname;
    private int salary;

    public Employee() {    }

    public Employee(int SSN, String first, String last, int sal) {
        SSNum = SSN;
        firstname = first;
        lastname = last;
        salary = sal;

//  compare function required by Sortable interface
//  orders Employees by social security number
    public int compare(Sortable another) {
        return ((Employee)this).SSNum - ((Employee) another).SSNum;

//  allows us to print an Employee
    public String toString() {
        String emp;
        emp = Integer.toString(SSNum) + "     " + lastname + "  "
                   + firstname + "     " + Integer.toString(salary);
        return emp;
}	// end class Employee

//  class to show use of Sortable interface
public class SortTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

//  create an array of IntNums, print them, sort them, and print them again
        IntNum[] nums = new IntNum[5];
        nums[0] = new IntNum(8);
        nums[1] = new IntNum(3);
        nums[2] = new IntNum(6);
        nums[3] = new IntNum(1);
        nums[4] = new IntNum(5);

        System.out.println("Values before sorting:");
        for (int i = 0 ; i < nums.length ; i++)
        System.out.println("Values after sorting:");
        for (int i = 0 ; i < nums.length ; i++)

//  create an array of Employees, print them, sort them, and print them again
        Employee[] people = new Employee[4];
        people[0] = new Employee(444556666,"Shiva","Chaudhuri",75000);
        people[1] = new Employee(222334444,"Rosie","Rubel    ",64000);
        people[2] = new Employee(888776666,"Sofia","Palacios ",67000);
        people[3] = new Employee(555667777,"Seham","Gorab    ",84000);

        System.out.println("Values before sorting:");
        for (int i = 0 ; i < people.length ; i++)
        System.out.println("Values after sorting:");
        for (int i = 0 ; i < people.length ; i++)
}	// end class SortTest


Values before sorting:
Values after sorting:
Values before sorting:
444556666     Chaudhuri  Shiva     75000
222334444     Rubel      Rosie     64000
888776666     Palacios   Sofia     67000
555667777     Gorab      Seham     84000
Values after sorting:
222334444     Rubel      Rosie     64000
444556666     Chaudhuri  Shiva     75000
555667777     Gorab      Seham     84000
888776666     Palacios   Sofia     67000

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