Problem Set Answers: Queues

  1. a.     queue = f   z   b     ch1 = a     ch2 = b
    b.     queue = 12   32   10     a = 2     b = 8
  2. a.   8          b.   7          c.   5          d.   5  6  10
         5               0               7               5  6   7
         7               6               2               5  6  -1
         6               5               5               5  6  11
                         6               5               5  6  30
  3. a.   queue = B C D E F     b.   queue = D E A       c.   queue = E A B C D
         front = 1                  front = 3                front = 4
         back = 0                   back = 0                 back = 3
         numElements = 5            numElements = 3          numElements = 5
         array = F B C D E          array = A B C D E        array = A B C D E
                                    value = C                error; already full
    d.   queue = empty         e.   queue = D E A H     f.   queue = C D
         front = 2                  front = 3                front = 2
         back = 1                   back = 1                 back = 3
         numElements = 0            numElements = 4          numElements = 2
         array = A B C D E          ar ray = A H C D E        array = A B C D E
         value = ??                                          value = B
         error; already empty
  4.     // use a temp queue so that oldqq is unchanged at the end of the method
        public static void copy(ArrayUnboundedQueue<T> oldqq, ArrayUnboundedQueue<T> newqq) {
            ArrayUnboundedQueue<T> tempqq = new ArrayUnboundedQueue<T>();
            T qval;
            while (!newqq.isEmpty())
               qval = newqq.dequeue();
            while (!oldqq.isEmpty()) {
               qval = oldqq.dequeue();
            while (!tempqq.isEmpty()) {
               qval = tempqq.dequeue();
  5.      public LinkedQueue<T> copy() {
            LinkedQueue<T> newq = new LinkedQueue<T>();
            LLNode<T> temp, next;
            if (this.front == null)
               return newq;
            temp = new LLNode<T>(this.front.getInfo());
            newq.front = newq.rear = temp;
            next = this.front.getLink();
            while (next != null) {
               temp = new LLNode<T>(next.getInfo());
               newq.rear = temp;
               next = next.getLink();
            return newq;
  6.      public ArrayUnboundedQueue<T> copy() {
            ArrayUnboundedQueue<T> newq = new ArrayUnboundedQueue<T>(this.elements.length);
            if (this.numElements == 0)
               return newq;
            newq.numElements = this.numElements;
            // copy elements into the new queue starting at loc 0
            // newq.front has been initialized to 0 in the construction
            int newloc = 0;
            int thisloc = this.front;
            while (newloc < this.numElements) {
               newq.elements[newloc] = this.elements[thisloc];
               thisloc = (thisloc+1) % this.elements.length;
            newq.rear = newq.numElements - 1;
            return newq;
  7.     // use a temp queue so that qq is unchanged at the end of the method
        public static void countneg(ArrayUnboundedQueue<Integer> qq) {
            ArrayUnboundedQueue<Integer> tempqq = new ArrayUnboundedQueue<Integer>();
            int value;
            int numneg = 0;
            while (!qq.isEmpty()) {
               value = qq.dequeue();
               if (value < 0)
                  numneg = numneg + 1;
            while (!tempqq.isEmpty()) {
               value = tempqq.dequeue();
            return numneg;
  8. The code reverses the order of the values in the queue.

  9.     //  the match function will empty the queues; copy the queues and
        // use the copies so that at the end of the function the queues will not
        // be changed
        public static int match(ArrayUnboundedQueue<T> qq1, ArrayUnboundedQueue<T> qq2) {
            T qitem1;
            T qitem2;
            ArrayUnboundedQueue<T> tempqq1 = new ArrayUnboundedQueue<T>();
            ArrayUnboundedQueue<T> tempqq2 = new ArrayUnboundedQueue<T>();
            int ok;
            int matchnum = 0;
            copy(qq1,tempqq1);   // from problem 4
            while (!tempqq1.isEmpty() && !tempqq2.isEmpty()) {
               qitem1 = tempqq1.dequeue();
               qitem2 = tempqq2.dequeue();
               if (qitem1.equals(qitem2))
                  matchnum = matchnum + 1;
            return matchnum;
  10.      public void removeAll() {
            if (count == 0)
               throw new QueueUnderflowException("queue is already empty");
            numElements = 0;
            front = 0;
            rear = queue.length - 1;
  11.      public void removeAll() {
            if (front == null)
               throw new QueueUnderflowException("queue is already empty");
            front = null;
            rear = null;
  12.      public void removeItem(T remitem) {
            int loc = front;
            boolean found = false;
            if (numElements == 0)
               throw new NoSuchElementException(remitem + " not found");
            while (loc != rear && !found) {
               if (queue[loc].equals(remitem))
                  found = true;
                  loc = (loc+1)%queue.length;
            if (queue[rear].equals(remitem))
               found = true;
            if (!found)
               throw new NoSuchElementException(remitem + " not found");
            if (loc != rear) {
               while (loc != rear) {
                  queue[loc] = queue[(loc+1)%queue.length];
                  loc = (loc+1)%queue.length;
            if (rear == 0)
               rear = queue.length - 1;
  13.      public void removeItem(T remitem) {
            LLNode<T> prev = null;
            LLNode<T> curr = front;
            boolean found = false;
            if (front == null)
               throw new NoSuchElementException(remitem + " not found");
            while (curr != rear && !found) {
               if (curr.getInfo().equals(remitem))
                  found = true;
               else {
                  prev = curr;
                  curr = curr.getLink();
            if (curr.getInfo().equals(remitem))
               found = true;
            if (!found)
               throw new NoSuchElementException(remitem + " not found");
            if (curr == front)
               front = front.getLink();
            else {
               if (curr == rear)
                  rear = prev;

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