Stack Class Exercise

  1. Download the files from the StackExercise folder in Files on canvas.
  2. Write a toString method for the ArrayBoundedStack class. We will use this in our test program to make sure that the stack methods are creating a correct stack; it is not part of the ADT. The toString method should return all items on the stack from bottom to top (use newlines to place each item on a separate line, and indent the items to make it easier to read).
  3. Write a main method which contains a stack of Strings. Prompt the user for the type of stack to create: default size or specified size. If the user wants to specify the size, prompt for the size. Create the stack and write a loop with a menu that gives the user the following options:
  4. Run your program to test the stack class. Use the menu options to enter and remove values and make sure that all methods are functioning correctly.
  5. Add a method public T TopPop() that pops and returns the element on the top of the stack. The method should throw a StackUnderflowException if the stack is empty. Add a menu item to your main method to call this function and print the element that is returned. Run your program to test this method.

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