First Sample Program

# Add Some Integers
# read num1 and num2 from keyboard
# print (on screen) the sum of the numbers read
# t0: sum
# t1: num1
# t2: num2
prompt: .asciiz "\n Enter a number: "
result: .asciiz "The sum of your numbers is "
	.globl  main
# initialize sum to 0
	move	$t0, $0               # sum = 0
# read and add first num
	move	$t0, $0               # initialize sum to 0
	li		$v0, 4
	la		$a0, prompt
	syscall	                      # syscall to print prompt
	li 		$v0, 5
	syscall	                      # read num1
	move	$t1, $v0              # copy num into $t1
	add  	$t0, $t0, $t1         # add num1 to sum
# read and add second num
	li	$v0, 4
	la	$a0, prompt
	syscall	                      # print prompt
	li 	$v0, 5
	syscall	                      # read num2
	move	$t2, $v0              # copy num2 into $t2
	add  	$t0, $t0, $t2         # add num2 to sum
# print the sum
	li	$v0, 4
	la	$a0, result
	syscall	                      # print result msg
	li	$v0, 1
	move	$a0,$t0               # copy sum into $a0
	syscall	                      # print sum
# exit from program
	li	$v0, 10	                  # terminate execution and
	syscall	                      # return control to system

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