MIPS Opcodes

Some I-type opcodes are shown below:

Assembler Instruction
Machine Opcode
addi    Rt, Rs, Immed 001000  
andi    Rt, Rs, Immed 001100  
ori      Rt,Rs,Immed 001101  
xori    Rt, Rs, Immed 001110  

The opcodes for the branch instructions are given below.

Assembler Instruction
Machine Opcode
beq     Rs,Rt,Label 000100  
bgez    Rs, Label 000001 Rt: 00001
bgtz    Rs, Label 000111 Rt: 00000
blez     Rs, Label 000110 Rt: 00000
bltz     Rs, Label 000001 Rt: 00000
bne     Rs,Rt,Label 000101  

Some R-type opcodes are shown below:

add    Rd,Rs,Rt 000000 00000 100000  
and    Rd,Rs,Rt 000000 00000 100100  
nor    Rd,Rs,Rt 000000 00000 100111  
or      Rd,Rs,Rt 000000 00000 100101  
sub    Rd,Rs,Rt 000000 00000 100010  
xor    Rd,Rs,Rt 000000 00000 100110  
sll     Rd,Rt,sa 000000 sa (5 bit unsigned binary) 000000 Rs: 00000
sllv   Rd,Rt,Rs 000000 00000 000100  
sra    Rd,Rt,sa 000000 sa (5 bit unsigned binary) 000011 Rs: 00000
srav   Rd,Rt,Rs 000000 00000 000111  

MIPS Machine Instruction Formats

I-Type Instructions

|            |          |          |                                |
|   opcode   |    Rs    |    Rt    |              immed             |
|            |          |          |                                |
 31        26 25      21 20      16 15                             0

R-Type Instructions

|            |          |          |          |          |            |
|   opcode   |    Rs    |    Rt    |    Rd    | shiftamt |    func    |
|            |          |          |          |          |            |
 31        26 25      21 20      16 15      11 10       6 5         0

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