Sequential Circuits


All of the circuits we studied so far create an output value that is a function only of the inputs. This is good for computation but does not allow us to create memory. To create memory we use sequential circuits, where the output is a function of the current inputs and the previous inputs. Access to previous inputs requires a storage element, which is called a flip-flop. The output of a flip-flop depends on the input to the flip-flop and its current state.

Sequential circuits can be either asynchronous or synchronous. Asynchronous circuits produce their output whenever the input values change. Synchronous circuits act under the control of a clock. The clock is a circuit that produces pulses at precise intervals. A synchronous sequential circuit updates its state when the clock pulses.

In the diagrams shown below, the "clock" is really an "enable" line. This line determines when the flip-flop is updated. Otherwise, as we shall see, the flip-flop maintains its value. The operation of the enable line, that is, when it is activated, is controlled by the system clock. This clock is not shown in our diagrams, for simplicity.

Sequential circuits use feedback to access the current state. This means that the output of the flip-flop is fed back to the flip-flop as one of its inputs.

SR Flip-Flop

The following is a picture of an SR (set/reset) flip-flop.

Here is the SR flip-flop with the clock. The flip-flop only operates when the clock pulses (i.e., when the clock outputs a 1).

The behavior of a flip-flop can be described with a characteristic table, which gives the output Q(t+1) as a function of the inputs and the previous output Q(t).It can also be described with a truth table. Here are both for the SR flip-flop:


0 0 Q(t) (no change)
0 1 0 (reset to 0)
1 0 1 (set to 1)
1 1 undefined
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 undefined
1 1 1 undefined

To understand how the flip-flop works, here is an explanation of the defined cases:

R = S = 0 and Q = 0 (no change):
The inputs to the lower NOR gate are S = 0, Q = 0, so the output Q = 1. This output is fed to the upper NOR gate, so its inputs are R = 0 Q = 1, so the output Q = 0.
R = S = 0 and Q = 1 (no change):
The inputs to the lower NOR gate are S = 0, Q = 1, so the output Q = 0. This output is fed to the upper NOR gate, so its inputs are R = 0 Q = 0, so the output Q = 1.
R = 0 S = 1 and Q = 0 (set):
The inputs to the lower NOR gate are S = 1, Q = 0, so the output Q = 0. This output is fed to the upper NOR gate, so its inputs are R = 0 Q = 0, so the output Q = 1.
R = 0 S = 1 and Q = 1 (set):
The inputs to the lower NOR gate are S = 1, Q = 1, so the output Q = 0. This output is fed to the upper NOR gate, so its inputs are R = 0 Q = 0, so the output Q = 1.
R = 1 S = 0 and Q = 0 (reset):
The inputs to the lower NOR gate are S = 0, Q = 0, so the output Q = 1. This output is fed to the upper NOR gate, so its inputs are R = 1 Q = 1, so the output Q = 0.
R = 0 S = 1 and Q = 1 (reset):
The inputs to the lower NOR gate are S = 0, Q = 1, so the output Q = 0. This output is fed to the upper NOR gate, so its inputs are R = 1 Q = 0, so the output Q = 0.

Here is the logic diagram for the SR flip-flop, which shows the inputs and outputs of the flip-flop. C is the clock input.



The problem with this device is that the output is undefined when S = R = 1.

D Flip-Flop

The D flip-flop solves the problem of the undefined case in the SR flip-flop by elminating that case. Here is a clocked D flip-flop.

The D flip-flop is used to create a bit of memory. It is used in RAM and registers.

Here is the logic diagram for the D flip-flop, which shows the inputs and outputs of the flip-flop. C is the clock input.


A register stores a value in the CPU. The CPU contains control registers, general purpose registers, and floating point registers. These registers are the same type of circuit but they are used in different ways. Here is a logic diagram and a block diagram for a 4-bit register implemented with D flip-flops.



The register has 4 input lines, 4 output lines, and a clock signal. All bits in the register must accept a new input value and store it at the same time. The clock signal is tied into all 4 D flip-flops, so they all change value when the clock pulses.

The register also has lines for power, ground, and a clear line to allow the register to be reset to 0. For the sake of simplicity, these lines are not shown.


A counter is a circuit that adds 1 to its current value each time it is activated. The counter below uses JK flip-flops. JK flip-flops are like SR flip-flops, except that an input of 1 1 toggles the flip-flop. Here are the characteristic table and diagrams for the JK flip-flop.


Here is the 4 bit counter. In the counter we see that the current state of each bit is used in updating the bit to its left. B0 flips every time the count enable is activated. When B0 changes from 1 to 0, B1 is activated and flips. This is when we "carry the 1" from B0 to B1. For the other bits, they change from 0 to 1 when all bits to the right are 1. You must trace through this circuit carefully to understand how it works, and make sure that it goes from 1111 back to 0000.



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