Worksheet: Two's Complement


  1. Convert the following base 10 numbers to 10 bit 2's complement:
    1. 107
    2. -153
  2. For each of the following 10 bit 2's complement additions, determine the sign of the numbers, add them, determine the sign of the sum, and determine whether an overflow occurred:
    1. 1110101010 + 1101011101
    2. 0011011101 + 0001100101
    3. 1011110100 + 0011010101
  3. For each of the following 16 bit 2's complement additions, determine the sign of the numbers, add them, determine the sign of the sum, and determine whether an overflow occurred:
    1. 03A9 + 49B2
    2. B403 + 1357
    3. 7F5E + 53BA

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