MIPS Pipeline



Step Name Description
IF Instruction Fetch fetch instruction, update PC
ID Instruction Decode fetch registers, decode (generate control signals)
EX Execute perform ALU operation
MEM Memory Access read/write memory
WB Write Back store result in destination register

Operations in Each Stage

The operations required in the IF stage are the same for all instructions: fetch the instruction and update the PC. After the IF stage, the required operations differ.

R Type Instructions (op Rd, Rs, Rt)

  1. IF: fetch instruction, update PC
  2. ID: decode, fetch operands Rs and Rt from the register file
  3. EX: ALU executes the instruction
  4. MEM: nothing
  5. WB: store result of EX in destination register Rd

Load Instructions (op Rt, offset(Rs))

  1. IF: fetch instruction, update PC
  2. ID: decode, fetch Rs from the register file, fetch offset from the instruction
  3. EX: ALU computes the effective address (Rs + offset)
  4. MEM: read from the effective address
  5. WB: store the value that was read in destination register Rt

Store Instructions (op Rt, offset(Rs))

  1. IF: fetch instruction, update PC
  2. ID: decode, fetch Rs and Rt from the register file, fetch offset from the instruction
  3. EX: ALU computes the effective address (Rs + offset)
  4. MEM: write Rt at the effective address
  5. WB: nothing

Branch Instructions (op Rs, Rt, label)

The label is translated by the assembler into a displacement: the number of statements between the branch statement and the branch target.

  1. IF: fetch instruction, update PC
  2. ID: decode, fetch Rs and Rt from the register file
  3. EX: adder computes new PC using the displacement, ALU computes the branch cond using Rs and Rt
  4. MEM: nothing
  5. WB: nothing

Stages Used

Instruction Steps Required
R type IF     ID     EX                   WB
branch IF     ID     EX
load IF     ID     EX     MEM       WB
store IF     ID     EX     MEM

To make sure that there is only one instruction in each stage at any given time, the unused stages are filled with no-ops, or doing-nothing's. This makes these instructions take longer but keeps the pipeline running in synch.

Instruction Steps Required
R type IF     ID     EX     NOP     WB
branch IF     ID     EX     NOP     NOP
load IF     ID     EX     MEM    WB
store IF     ID     EX     MEM    NOP

Here is an example of a few instructions going through the pipeline:



So the total time for n instructions in a k stage pipeline is:

     k*tp + (n-1)*tp = (k+n-1)*tp

The total time without a pipeline for n instructions is n * k*tp. The speedup from pipelining is:

     speedup = (time without pipelining) / (time with pipelining)
             = n*k*tp / (k+n-1)*tp

For large n, this gets very close to:

     n*k*tp / n*tp = k

So theoretically, speedup is the number of stages in the pipeline.


The images in this handout are taken from "Computer Organization and Design" by Patterson and Hennessy.

Pipeline Hazards

There are three things that can disrupt the smooth flow of the pipeline:

Structural Hazard

This problem is solved by duplicating resources that are needed in multiple stages. MIPS has an adder dedicated to updating the PC by adding 4 (used in IF). MIPS also has an adder dedicated to updating the PC with the branch target address (used in EX). This leaves the CPU free to execute the operation required in the EX stage. Also, MIPS has separate memories (caches) for instructions and data, so one instruction can use the instruction memory in the IF stage at the same time that another instruction uses the data memory in the MEM stage.

Data Hazard

A data hazard occurs when one instruction needs the result of an earlier instruction that is still in the pipeline, for example:

   add      $s0, $t0, $t1
   sub      $t2, $s0, $t3

This is called a data dependency. Since the add instruction doesn't update $s0 until the WB stage, this could stall (delay) the pipeline for three cycles. Data dependencies occur in our code all the time. One way to avoid this hazard is to have the compiler reorder the statements to remove the dependency. This is often not possible, so it's not enough.

As soon as the ALU computes the result of the add, it can be sent directly to the input of the sub. This is an example of forwarding or bypassing, which is the main solution to data hazards. This requires extra hardware to send the output of the ALU (from the add) to the input of the ALU (for the sub). In our example, this will remove the pipeline delay.

However, if we have a load followed by an R-type instruction:

   lw       $s0, 4($t1)
   sub      $t2, $s0, $t3

the result of the load is not available until after the MEM stage. Forwarding will help but will not eliminate the delay, so a stall (also called a bubble) is still needed:

Control Hazard

The statement after a branch has to be fetched right after the branch is fetched. But there is no way to know which instruction should be fetched, because the branch condition hasn't been evaluated yet. This control hazard occurs on every branch instruction. There are several ways to handle it:

The images in this handout are taken from "Computer Organization and Design" by Patterson and Hennessy.

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