MIPS Floating Point

In MIPS the floating point hardware is referred to as "Coprocessor 1". Coprocessor 1 contains the floating point registers and floating point instructions.


There are 32 registers, $f0 through $f31, which are 32 bits each. They can be used as 32 float registers (32 bits each) or 16 double registers (64 bits each). All instructions that use double registers require even numbered registers.

The register usage convention is as follows:

Conventional Use
$f0 - $f3 return values from functions
$f4 - $f11 temporary (saved by caller if necessary, called function can use without saving; not preserved across function calls
$f12 - $f15 value(s) passed to a function
$f16 - $f19 temporary (saved by caller if necessary, called function can use without saving; not preserved across function calls
$f20 - $f31 saved (called function must save and restore before exiting; preserved across function calls

There are no mneumonic names for floating point registers.

Syscalls for Floating Point

Service Code in $v0 Arguments Result
print float 2 $f12 = float to print  
print double 3 $f12 = double to print  
read float 6   $f0 contains float read
read double 7   $f0 contains double read

Some Floating Point Instructions

You can find a complete list of instructions in Appendix F of the MIPS book.

mfc1 $t1,$f1 : Set $t1 to value in Coprocessor 1 register $f1
Instruction Syntax Explanation
add double add.d    Fd, Fs, Ft Fd = Fs + Ft
all registers must be even numbered
add single add.s    Fd, Fs, Ft Fd = Fs + Ft
sub double sub.d    Fd, Fs, Ft Fd = Fs - Ft
all registers must be even numbered
sub single sub.s    Fd, Fs, Ft Fd = Fs - Ft
mult double mul.d    Fd, Fs, Ft Fd = Fs * Ft
all registers must be even numbered
mult single mul.s    Fd, Fs, Ft Fd = Fs * Ft
divide double div.d    Fd, Fs, Ft Fd = Fs / Ft
this performs a floating point divide which may have a fractional part
all registers must be even numbered
divide single div.s    Fd, Fs, Ft Fd = Fs / Ft
this performs a floating point divide which may have a fractional part
move double mov.d    Fd, Fs Fd = Fs
all registers must be even numbered
move single mov.s    Fd, Fs Fd = Fs
load double l.d    Fd, offset(Rs) load double value from memory into Fd
Fd must be even numbered
load single l.s    Fd, offset(Rs) load single value from memory into Fd
store double s.d    Fd, offset(Rs) store double value in Fd into memory
Fd must be even numbered
store single s.s    Fd, offset(Rs) store single value in Fd into memory
compare and set if equal double c.eq.d    Fs, Ft compare Fs and Ft, set flag to true if Fs == Ft
Fs and Ft must be even numbered
compare and set if equal single c.eq.s    Fs, Ft compare Fs and Ft, set flag to true if Fs == Ft
compare and set if less than or equal double c.le.d    Fs, Ft compare Fs and Ft, set flag to true if Fs <= Ft
Fs and Ft must be even numbered
compare and set if less than or equal single c.le.s    Fs, Ft compare Fs and Ft, set flag to true if Fs <= Ft
compare and set if less than double c.lt.d    Fs, Ft compare Fs and Ft, set flag to true if Fs < Ft
Fs and Ft must be even numbered
compare and set if less than single c.lt.s    Fs, Ft compare Fs and Ft, set flag to true if Fs < Ft
branch if status flag is true bc1t    label branch to label if status flag is true
branch if status flag is false bc1f    label branch to label if status flag is false
convert from single to double cvt.d.s    Fd,Fs set Fd to double precision equivalent of single precision value in Fs
convert from word (int) to double cvt.d.w    Fd,Fs set Fd to double precision equivalent of integer value in Fs
convert from double to single cvt.s.d    Fd,Fs set Fd to double precision equivalent of single precision value in Fs
convert from word (int) to single cvt.s.w    Fd,Fs set Fd to single precision equivalent of integer value in Fs
convert from double to word (int) cvt.w.d    Fd,Fs set Fd to word (int) equivalent of double precision value in Fs
convert from single to word (int) cvt.w.s    Fd,Fs set Fd to word (int) equivalent of single precision value in Fs
move from coprocessor 1 (Floating Point Unit) mfc1    Rd,Fs set Rd (int register) to value in Fs (floating point register)
move to coprocessor 1 (Floating Point Unit) mtc1    Rs,Fd set Fd (floating point register) to value in Rs (int register)
absolute value double abs.d    Fd, Fs Fd = | Fs |
all registers must be even numbered
absolute value single abs.s    Fd, Fs Fd = | Fs |

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