CSC133 Introduction to Computer Science Using C++ - Course Structure
Professor Emmi Schatz

This class will be different from many classes you have taken because it will emphasize active group learning. Research has shown that passively sitting back and listening to a lecture is an ineffective way to learn. Students learn more when they participate in class. So, learning in this course involves actively listening and participating in reading and writing assignments. You will also be actively involved in discussions about the topic to be learned. Therefore I have designed every class with the primary purpose of helping you develop and practice the fundamental skills necessary for creating computer programs in C++.

What I Will Do:

What You Need to Do:

The Format of a Typical CSC133 Lecture Class:

Homework Questions:

The Homework Questions are designed to help you focus on the most important topics in the textbook. Again, this is to give you multiple experiences explaining, and reading someone else's explanations, of Computer Science topics. Each homework assignment will require you to read specific section(s) in the textbook and answer the related homework questions. You will be given a written homework assignment every lecture session which is due the following lecture session. You will be expected to provide thorough and detailed answers. ANSWERS MUST BE TYPED IN WORD AND YOU MUST HAVE TWO COPIES. Leave space after each answer for corrections. During the lecture portion of the course, you will be assigned to a group and asked to review everyone's homework answers. You are encouraged to assess all other students' answers carefully and thoroughly since the following day's lecture quiz will be related to today's homework assignment. You are strongly encouraged to ask questions whenever you're not sure if an answer is correct! There may be several different answers in your group, and they may all be correct, or some may be correct and some may be incorrect. The space you leave after each answer will allow you to make corrections to your answers when necessary. I will collect a copy of everyone’s homework every day to ensure you have done the work but I will not grade the assignments every day, I will however randomly spot check homework assignments. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you complete the homework for each class. Without your homework, you will not be able to actively contribute to the group exercises or class discussions. Anyone without a homework assignment will receive a ZERO for that assignment. Anyone with a partially completed homework assignment will receive a 50 for that assignment. You will have TWO opportunities to FORGET your homework. Homework Assignments cannot be submitted late, nor can they be resubmitted. There are no make-up assignments for homework questions.

Lecture Quizzes:

At the end of most lecture sessions, you will be given a short quiz on the previous day's homework questions, group exercises, and/or class discussions, and possibly on concepts from a previously covered topic. These quizzes will be based on the homework questions, so it is very important that you spend considerable time answering the homework questions. It is also very important that you review other students' homework assignment carefully and to the best of your ability. If you do not catch each other's mistake(s), you or your fellow students may be studying incorrect information. Ask if you're not sure!!! Lecture Quizzes will contain a combination of yesterday's material and/or material covered in earlier classes. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UPS FOR LECTURE QUIZZES.

Lab Assignments:

A lab assignment will be given each week in the beginning of the semester. Towards the end of the semester, there may be some lab assignments that will require two weeks. The lab assignments will consist of one or more problems that must be solved by designing, coding, and testing a C++ program. Your attendance is required during your assigned lab period. Some students will be able to finish some lab assignments during the lab period. Most students will need to work on the lab outside of class to complete the assignment.

Each lab is due on the date specified by the instructor. Lab assignments are due at the BEGINNING of the lab period. If the lab is not handed in by the beginning of the lab period, it will be considered late. A hard copy and diskette must be submitted for each lab assignment. Each student will receive four passes to hand in a lab up to one week past the due date. If four labs have been handed in late, then the remaining labs must be handed in on time, whether they are complete or not. Five points will be deducted for a lab that is one or two days late. Ten points will be deducted for a lab that is more than two days late. No lab will be accepted more than one week late. Lab assignments are graded on a scale of 0 to 100. Students are not permitted to miss class lectures in order to work on their lab assignments or homework.

Lab/Programming Quizzes:

A lab quiz is very similar to a regular weekly programming assignment. The problem will be given at the beginning of the lab session, and you will have the entire lab session to complete the quiz. At the end of the lab session, you will hand in your program. If the program is not complete you will receive partial credit, depending on how close you were to completing the program. You must work ALONE and NO talking is allowed. You will be allowed to use your textbook, your old programs, your class notes, my handouts, a calculator, etc., to help you complete the quiz requirements. Your attendance is REQUIRED. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UPS FOR LAB QUIZZES.

Midterm Examination:

The Midterm Exam will be given sometime around the middle or end of October. The exact date and time will be announced one to two weeks in advance. The Midterm Exam will cover the material in the first four or five chapters. The exact format will be announced one week prior to the exam.

Final Examination:

The Final Exam will be given after the last day of classes during the specially scheduled exam period on December 15th, 18th, or 19th, at some time between 8am and 5pm. The exact date and time will be announced in November. The Final Exam is cumulative and all students enrolled in CSC 133 during the day will take the same test at the same time. If you are planning to travel this winter, do not make plans to leave until after December 19th.

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