CSC161 Introduction to Computer Science Using Java
Professor Emmi Schatz

Office: Johnson Learning Center Room 201
Phone: (732) 548-6000 x3198
Web Page:

Contacting Me: The best way to reach me is through email. I read my email much more often than I check my voice mail.

Prerequisite: MAT014 or appropriate score on College Placement Test

Corequisite: MAT129 or MAT129A or higher

Textbook:  Starting Out With Java, 6th Ed
                 Author: Tony Gaddis
                 Pearson 2016
                 ISBN 978-0-13-395705-1

Materials Needed:

Course Objectives:

  1. Identify the functional units of a computer system and describe how information flows from one unit to another.
  2. Describe the basic steps involved in entering, running and testing a program.
  3. Identify and construct legal Java statements.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of Java Input/Output methods.
  5. Demonstrate the effective use of the scalar data types of real, integer, boolean, and character.
  6. Demonstrate the structured programming control concepts of sequence, selection and repetition in the Java language.
  7. Define and demonstrate the effective use of methods.
  8. Demonstrate how to declare and manipulate objects
  9. Demonstrate how to use String objects and methods of the String Class
  10. Demonstrate the use of parameters, local and global variables.
  11. Demonstrate how to declare and manipulate arrays.
  12. Demonstrate the ability to write well-structured and properly documented source programs that accept input data, solve a specified problem and present solutions in an effective manner.


If you need accomodations due to a disability, please contact the Counseling and Career Services Department, Edison Hall Room 100, 732-906-2546.

Attendance Policy:

The student is expected to attend all lectures and labs. LAB IS NOT OPTIONAL. Students should report to lab and lecture at the designated time. New material will be presented in both lecture and lab. The student is responsible for any material missed because of absence or lateness.

Students are not permitted to leave during class and then re-enter. Make sure you take care of personal needs before coming to class.

Make-Up Policy:

Exams can be made up only in an emergency with prior permission of the instructor. A student must email before the exam. In addition the student will be required to bring documentation of the emergency. Documentation includes a doctor's note, a bill from a car mechanic, or some other proof of the emergency situation. If a student has missed a session of class prior to an exam and a student returns on the day an exam is scheduled, the student will be required to take the exam scheduled for that session. Otherwise, a grade of zero will be earned for that exam.

Only one make up exam will be permitted for a given student.

THERE ARE NO MAKE-UPS FOR LECTURE OR LAB QUIZZES. If a lecture or lab quiz is missed, a zero is automatically earned for that quiz. The lowest lecture quiz grade will be dropped.

It will be up to the student to find out what work has been missed due to absence. Absenteeism due to vacations or business or other obligations will be treated the same as any other absence. Students should make arrangements for makeup work before a predetermined absence or right after an unplanned absence.

Cell Phone Guidelines:

All cell phones must be turned off or silenced during class and put away in a pocket, purse, or book bag. Use of your cell phone, even for texting, is very distracting to your fellow students and your instructor. If you anticipate an urgent call that you must take during class, please let me know before class begins. Otherwise use of your phone will require you to leave the class.

Honesty Policy:

Students are expected to design, code, and debug their programs individually. Students are expected to do their homework individually. Under no circumstances may a student share a copy of their homework or program with another student. A student who shares their homework or program with another student or copies homework or a program from another student will receive a zero for two assignments and could possibly receive an "F" for the course depending upon the circumstances. Any student who cheats on an exam or quiz will receive a zero for that particular instance and could receive an "F" for the course depending upon the circumstances.

Every student suspected of academic dishonesty will be reported under the Code of Student Conduct.

Students may discuss an assignment to clarify what is required. Students may discuss a specific statement or a couple of statements in a program to determine what it is doing, or should be doing. However, students may NOT share their homework or program with a classmate, nor may students read or copy another student's homework or program.

Homework Questions:

The Homework Questions are designed to help you focus on the most important topics in the textbook. Each homework assignment will require you to read specific section(s) in the textbook and answer the related homework questions. You will be given a written homework assignment every week. You will be expected to provide thorough and detailed answers. ANSWERS MUST BE TYPED IN WORD AND YOU MUST HAVE TWO COPIES, one of which you will keep and the other of which you will turn in. You are strongly encouraged to ask questions whenever you're not sure if your answer is correct! I will collect a copy of every homework to ensure you have done the work but I will not grade the assignments every day, I will however randomly spot check homework assignments. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you complete the homework assignments. Without your homework, you will not be able to actively contribute to the group exercises or class discussions. Anyone without a homework assignment will receive a ZERO for that assignment. Anyone with a partially completed homework assignment will receive a 50 for that assignment. You will have ONE opportunity to FORGET your homework. Homework Assignments cannot be submitted late, nor can they be resubmitted. There are no make-up assignments for homework questions.

Lecture Quizzes:

During many lecture sessions, you will be given a short quiz on the previous day's homework questions, group exercises, and/or class discussions, and possibly on concepts from a previously covered topic. These quizzes will be based on the homework questions, so it is very important that you spend considerable time answering the homework questions. Lecture Quizzes will contain a combination of yesterday's material and/or material covered in earlier classes. There are no make-ups for lecture quizzes but the lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

Lab Assignments:

A lab assignment will be given each week in the beginning of the semester. Towards the end of the semester, there may be some lab assignments that will require two weeks. The lab assignments will consist of one or more problems that must be solved by designing, coding, and testing a Java program.

Each lab is due on the date specified by the instructor. Lab assignments are due at the BEGINNING of the lab period. If the lab is not handed in by the beginning of the lab period, it will be considered late. To submit your lab you will upload the source file (.java) to Campus Cruiser by the due date and before lab. Five points will be deducted for a lab that is one or two days late. Ten points will be deducted for a lab that is more than two days late. No lab will be accepted more than one week late. Lab assignments are graded on a scale of 0 to 100. Students are not permitted to miss class time in order to work on their lab assignments or homework.

Lab/Programming Quizzes:

A lab quiz is very similar to a regular weekly programming assignment. The problem will be given at the beginning of the lab session, and you will have the entire lab session to complete the quiz. At the end of the lab session, you will hand in your program. If the program is not complete you will receive partial credit, depending on how close you were to completing the program. You must work ALONE and NO talking is allowed. You will be allowed to use your textbook, your old programs, your class notes, my handouts, a calculator, etc., to help you complete the quiz requirements. Your attendance is required. There are no make-ups for lab quizzes.

Midterm Examination:

The Midterm Exam will be given sometime around the middle of the semester. The exact date and time will be announced one to two weeks in advance. The Midterm Exam will cover the material in the first four or five chapters. The exact format will be announced one week prior to the exam.

Final Examination:

The Final Exam will be given on the last day of class. The Final Exam is cumulative.

Grading Criteria:

Grades will be based on the following breakdown:

  8% Homework
  24% Lecture Quizzes
  12% Lab Quizzes
  14% Lab Assignments
  21% Midterm
  21% Final Exam

Final letter grades will be calculated as follows:

  A 93 - 100 (all assignments must be completed)
  A- 90 - 92
  B+ 87 - 89
  B 83 - 86
  B- 80 - 82
  C+ 77 - 80
  C 70 - 76
  D 60 - 69
  F below 60

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