Packed Decimal Arithmetic

Add Packed Instruction (AP)

The AP instruction is an SS instruction that adds two packed decimal fields. The result of the addition is stored in the first operand. The two operands are added byte by byte, starting at the low-order byte.

Rules for the AP instruction:


Given the following definitions:

ONE      DC     PL3'11223'
TWO      DC     PL3'1950'
THREE    DC     P'256'
FOUR     DC     C'999'
FIVE     DC     C'123 '
SIX      DS     PL3
SEVEN    DC     PL2'-300'
  Before After
AP Instruction Operand 1 Operand 2 Operand 1 Operand 2
AP ONE,TWO 11 22 3C 01 95 0C 13 17 3C 01 95 0C
AP ONE(3),THREE(2) 11 22 3C 25 6C 11 47 9C 25 6C
AP ONE(3),THREE(1) 11 22 3C 25 data exception, op2 invalid
AP THREE,TWO 25 6C 01 95 0C 20 6C 01 95 0C
AP ONE,FOUR 11 22 3C F9 F9 F9 data exception, op2 invalid
01 23 04 01 95 0C data exception, op1 invalid
AP THREE,SEVEN 25 6C 30 0D 04 4D 30 0D
AP THREE,=P'128' 25 6C 12 8C 38 4C 12 8C

Subtract Packed Instruction (SP)

The SP instruction is an SS instruction that subtracts two packed decimal fields. The second operand is subtracted from the first operand, and the result of the subtraction is stored in the first operand, that is, op1 is set to the result of op1 - op2. When subtracting signed numbers, remember that the rules for subtraction can be summarized by "change the sign of the second operand, and then add."

Rules for the SP instruction:


Given the following definitions:

ONE      DC     PL3'12500'
TWO      DC     PL3'1750'
THREE    DC     P'-250'
FOUR     DC     P'-1000'
  Before After
SP Instruction Operand 1 Operand 2 Operand 1 Operand 2
SP ONE,TWO 12 50 0C 01 75 0C 10 75 0C 01 75 0C
SP TWO,THREE 01 75 0C 25 0D 02 00 0C 25 0D
SP FOUR,TWO 01 00 0D 01 75 0C 02 75 0D 01 75 0C
SP FOUR,THREE 01 00 0D 25 0D 00 75 0D 25 0D
SP THREE,TWO 25 0D 01 75 0C 00 0D 01 75 0C
SP ONE,=P'500' 12 50 0C 50 0C 12 00 0C 50 0C
SP ONE(2),TWO 12 50 01 75 0C data exception, op1 invalid

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