CSC264 Research Assignment

Due Date: April 14


In this assignment you will select recent technology articles and write summaries of these articles.


Find four recent articles on technology. Recent means the article should have been published in 2018 or later. These articles should be more extensive than just a 1-2 page blurb. Find something interesting or exciting! Some possible topics are:

Do not use the following types of sites: wiki sites, how stuff works, ehow, I f'ing love science.

Product reviews are not acceptable.

One of your articles can be a video. The articles can be on different topics or the same topic.

Be wary of articles that are too advanced. Many of the articles found in library databases are scholarly papers, which are difficult for non-experts to understand. Using the library databases is great, but don't use something that you don't understand.


For each article, write a 4-5 paragraph summary. Each paragraph should contain at least three sentences. This is the minimum required; it will not get you an A. Do not include your opinion or reaction. Make sure your articles contain enough material for you to summarize. A 1-2 page article is does not contain the depth I am looking for. Make sure your summary is complete and is more than a minimal overview.

Your summary must be written in correct English and in your own words. Copying phrases from different sentences and combining them to form your own sentences does not count as your own words.


Type up each summary and include a link to the article. If the article is not online then submit a pdf of the article. You will submit your summaries as a Canvas assignment.


Here are some sources you might find useful:


Your grade will be based on the following:

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